“You need to take better care of yourself,” Luke scolded gently.
“If one lives in the moment, there’s no reason to worry about health. After all, I’m perfectly fine tonight, and that’s all that really matters.”
He sipped the last drop of his soup and set his spoon aside. “You’ve made a good point, if we don’t look after our health today, we may have no marvelous moments to enjoy tomorrow.”
She nodded thoughtfully, and having scored a point for her side, she wisely smiled and waited silently for the rest of their meal to be served. When their waiter placed all the delicious dishes on their table, she blotted her mouth with her napkin rather than drool.
“I don’t know where to begin,” she murmured.
“What about alphabetical order?” Luke teased. “We could begin with the beans and work our way across the plates to the walnut shrimp.”
“A logical plan, but I love the walnut shrimp and don’t want to postpone it another minute.”
“Then you’ve answered your own question. I’ll begin with the spareribs.”
The walnut shrimp was so incredibly good, she took two servings before moving on to the bright green string beans. She picked up one in her fingers and bit off the tip. “Crisp perfection, just as I predicted.”
Luke waited until she’d finished that bean, and then before she could wipe her hand on her napkin, he licked off her fingers. “I don’t know. These spareribs are awfully good, but you taste even better.”
Catherine leaned over to kiss him. “I wonder if they have apartments available for rent upstairs.”
“They might. Are you thinking of moving in and ordering take-out every night?”
“Well, it would certainly beat a can of soup.”
“Maybe it’s the company,” he replied.
They teased each other throughout the meal, licked each other’s fingers, and sat for a long time just sipping tea rather than open their fortune cookies. Finally Luke broke his with a loud snap. He read his fortune but refused to share it until Catherine had read hers.
She broke open her cookie and then smiled. “Your fondest hopes will soon be realized.”
Luke tossed her his. “That’s inspiring. Mine claims recognition comes through hard work.”
“What?” Catherine read it for herself. “That’s almost snotty.”
“Yeah, but it happens to be true. Are you ready to go? I thought we might walk around a while and soak up the atmosphere.”
“I’d like that.” She took his hand again, and in the other he carried the bag containing the cartons of leftovers neither had expected to have. They peered in shop windows and admired the ornate architecture that gave China Town its magical flair. The night was clear, and the stars sparkled brightly overhead, while an occasional firecracker popped in the distance.
“Thank you again. This really has been a perfect evening,” Catherine exclaimed. “But didn’t you promise an incentive to leave?”
“How could I have forgotten?” Luke leaned close and kissed her ear, then the smoothness of her cheek before his mouth found hers. Oblivious to the others out enjoying the evening, he kissed her until she was so unsteady, she had to cling to him for support.
As they broke apart, Luke spoke to the middle-aged couple strolling past. “Sorry, I can’t take her anywhere.”
“Me? You started it.”
“I’d swear you requested an incentive all on your own.”
“A minor point,” she conceded. “Come on, let’s find the car.”
“Yes, ma’am, whatever you say.”
Catherine stopped while she was ahead, but once they reached her house and had stowed the leftovers in the refrigerator, she had another request. “Let’s dance. Do you mind?” She walked ahead of him into the living room, opened the cabinet containing the sound system and turned on the radio.
“I haven’t danced in years,” Luke responded.
“I’m not expecting Dimitri from Dancing with the Stars. Just dance with me.”