Page 21 of Dawn Of Desire

“Where are your kin?” she whispered. “How could they have come and gone so swiftly?”

Egan brought his finger to his lips to encourage silence before he replied. “They use the river as well as fine horses for travel. That’s the beauty of this place and its curse for our enemies.”

Overhearing their exchange, Kieran joined in. “A man could grow old awaiting Egan’s arrival. Do not fault our kin for returning to their own homes. They will spend Samhain with us.”

That it would be the last festival before the arrival of a long, cold winter lent the feast special significance, but with Egan so unwilling to celebrate, Oriana doubted anyone else would enjoy it. Appreciating Kieran’s concern, she sent him a grateful smile and was surprised by how quickly a deep blush filled his cheeks. While it was obvious Egan barely tolerated him, she decided she liked Kieran and would continue to treat him kindly.

She caught Garrick staring at her, but Egan appeared to be in no hurry to complete the meal he had scarcely tasted, and so she remained seated quietly at his side. Directing her attention elsewhere, she gradually became aware of a gathering of Druids at another table placed off to the side. Apparently they had been so quiet she had not noticed them when she and Egan had entered, but she could not be certain the group hadn’t just taken their places.

The whole fortress was filled with shadows, but she trusted the knowing to protect her as valiantly as the champion by her side. Of course, she already knew better than to go anywhere near a Druid, and here she was seated at the same table with one.

As the meal progressed, serving maids scurried around the low table to replenish the wine, stew, bread, cheeses, and fruit. Oriana sensed their fear, for it was a palpable presence as dank as the fortress’s perpetual chill. The young women wore their hair in long

braids and were dressed in gowns far finer than those in which she had arrived. They hovered near Egan and offered an assortment of treats.

Oriana saw Kieran glance their way and frown; then Garrick spoke and again caught his attention. From what Oriana overheard, they were still discussing Samhain, and the possibility of several marriages taking place at that propitious time. Recognizing none of the names of the prospective brides and grooms, she munched a bite of apple rolled in chopped walnuts.

She leaned close to Egan to whisper, “It’s plain they prefer to gossip rather than converse. To whom do you usually speak?” She regretted the question the instant it left her lips, and after resting her hand upon his sleeve, she struggled to take it back. “I’m sorry. I know it was your father.”

Egan shifted uncomfortably, then responded with a hushed comment meant solely for Oriana’s ears. “Ula speaks incessantly of nothing, and Garrick pretends to listen. Kieran is probably daydreaming about hawks and horses.”

“Are they not your interests as well?”

Egan gave a grudging nod. “Aye, but it is not enough to make me like him.”

“A man who makes enemies in his own house is surely a—” This time Oriana caught herself in time, but Egan completed the thoughtless insult for her.

“Fool? That word has been spoken too often of late,” he swore.

Egan’s stern expression did not invite further comment, and Oriana was sorry she had said anything at all. Kieran looked no less happy and was sullenly slurping up his stew. He made an occasional murmur to join in his mother’s conversation with Garrick, but even without Egan’s insight, it was plain to her Keiran wasn’t listening. He also sent frequent glances toward the empty place at the table, and Oriana saw the sorrow Egan refused to see. She thought it terribly sad the brothers could not comfort each other during a time of such tremendous loss.

“We’ve heard little from you this night, Oriana,” Garrick prompted suddenly. “Won’t you tell us something of your people and how you and Egan met?”

“She’s not here for your entertainment,” Egan cautioned. “That she is my lady is knowledge enough.”

“But Egan, we should invite her family to join us for Samhain,” Ula argued, seeking what might be a wonderful opportunity to belittle them. “If they must travel far, the invitation should be extended immediately.”

“No, there’s no need for that,” Egan replied.

Sensing something amiss, Ula immediately seized upon it. “We would be delighted to meet your kin, Oriana. To exclude them from the celebration while you are here would be a grave insult to you as well as them.”

Oriana was seated so close she could feel Egan draw in a deep breath to rebuff that demand, and she spoke first to save him the trouble. She smiled and showed the fine manners her mother had instilled.

“I am quite alone in the world, my lady, but thank you for thinking of my family. If they were able, they would surely be delighted to accept your kind invitation.”

“Surely you are not an orphan,” Kieran interjected.

“Her story is a tragic one,” Egan offered quickly. “I’ll not force her to relive it simply to satisfy your curiosity.”

Sweeping aside that objection, Garrick persisted. “Perhaps you’ll confide in us another time.”

Oriana shuddered at the malicious glint in his eye and slid her arm through Egan’s to silently beseech his protection. “My family was precious to me, my lord, and I’ll mourn them forever in my heart, but once endured, sorrow is best left unspoken.”

Clearly frustrated by her refusal, Garrick turned back to Ula and offered a quiet jest which made her laugh. Kieran appeared disgusted by that bit of levity, and after offering a hasty good night, left the hall. Barely acknowledging her son’s departure, Ula continued making plans for Samhain.

Oriana was relieved beyond words that Garrick and Ula had lost interest in her so quickly, but she suspected that she had merely been granted a temporary reprieve. If only to identify her clan, they would make subtle inquiries on the morrow, or the next day at the latest, and what could she possibly say?

Egan shook his head slightly to clear it. Then, recognizing he was well on his way to being drunk, he slowly rose to his feet and offered his hand to assist Oriana.