Page 79 of Dawn Of Desire

“I’ll have to ride around the fortress to reach the only place where Mount Royal can be climbed. I want you to watch the flights from the bailey, or the wall walk might provide the better view.”

Oriana grasped his wrists. “Nay, I want to come with you as far as the trail, and surely I’ll have a better view from the bottom of the mountain than here in the fortress.”

“I’ll not risk landing on you, dear lady, so do not argue with me. Stay here with Albyn and be ready to celebrate upon my return.”

Oriana had known this moment was coming, but not how terribly difficult it would be to hide her fears. She had every confidence in Egan, but terror still knotted her chest. She had to reach deep to find the courage to match his daring.

“The wild falcon may return. Watch for him,” she urged. She raised up on her toes to kiss him, then dropped her hands to let him go.

As Egan backed away, he called to Albyn. “You know what to do.”

“Aye. Now go and make a great fool of Kieran. We’re eager to see him bounce down the side of Mount Royal.”

“So am I,” Egan assured them, and gathering his resolve, he walked away while he still could.

Oriana leaned back against the wall and bit her lip to check the tears she absolutely refused to shed. She closed her eyes briefly to recall Egan’s wicked grin, and when she looked up, she was ready for whatever the day might bring.

“I don’t trust someone not to throw me off the wall walk,” she said. “Do you want to watch from the bailey, or outside the fortress gate?”

Albyn had given the matter a great deal of thought, and their horses were already saddled. “We’re not certain where Egan might come to earth, so to spare us a long walk to greet him, let’s ride.”

Oriana understood what he was planning, but not why he would couch the truth in such optimistic terms. “And keep right on riding if we must?” she prompted.

Albyn doubted that she could be more deeply depressed than he, but he was touched by the sadness in her eyes. “I’ve never known Egan to fail, but should the need arise, I’ll keep my promise, and we’ll sleep in the forest tonight. What do you want to bring with you?”

Oriana was dressed in one of Adelaine’s amethyst gowns, a matching tunic, and a deep green cloak. She wore her mother’s gold bracelet and the wooden beads Cadell had carved for Adelaine. She did not even want to consider taking anything more.

“I’ve a tent stored in the stable, and a travel bag, but I’ll not gather them up for fear it might doom Egan. It shouldn’t hurt to bring my Stones of Tomorrow though.”

She quickly fetched the leather pouch, and then followed Albyn down the winding stairs. It was still early, but an excited crowd had already begun to gather in the bailey and spill out the gate. She raised her hood and hurried to the stable, where Albyn’s usual dapple gray mount and her white mare were waiting.

Oriana felt sick to her stomach, and slightly dizzy, but mounted the mare and turned her toward the gate without complaining. She now recognized Egan’s relatives, but not trusting herself to attach the correct names, responded to greetings

with a sweet smile and polite nod.

Most people were on foot, although a few had also chosen to ride. Albyn led the way through the gates, then pulled them wide to avoid the swelling crowd. He raised a hand to test the wind and gazed up to watch the slow movement of the clouds. He then gestured for Oriana to follow him off the trail.

“The wind should carry Egan in this direction,” he explained. When he was satisfied they were far enough away from the others, he drew his mount to a halt and wrapped the ends of his reins around his hand.

Oriana brought her mare along beside him. “Do you believe the mountain is cursed?” she asked.

“I fear our whole damn world is cursed, but I’ve grown pessimistic of late.”

Oriana found the craggy face of the mountain more appealing than his narrowed gaze. “You’ll soon change your mind,” she mused absently. “Do you see Egan, or Yowan with the wing?”

Wanting desperately to believe in her predictions, Albyn stared at her, but though he was swiftly distracted by her beauty, he dared not even hope his life might one day improve. He nudged his mount closer to her mare and pointed to the base of the mountain.

“The cluster of oaks marks the beginning of the trail, but it winds up the mountain like a jagged scar, and Egan may be difficult to sight. It’s an ancient path, but there’s no way to attack the fortress from the mountain, nor any way to reach the summit. Egan and Kieran must leap from a rocky outcropping below the crest.”

At that moment, sunlight broke through the clouds, and cheers erupted from those who had left the fortress. Oriana slid her hood back onto her shoulders and hoped the sunlight was a good omen. She heard someone shout Egan’s name and again scanned the trail to find a dark-haired man who was impossible to recognize from that distance.

“Is that Egan?” she asked.

“He’s moving rather slowly, so I believe it might be. Look, here’s Kieran just leaving the fortress now.”

Kieran was also on horseback and laughing as though he were bound for a hunt. A swarm of young men in equally high spirits followed carrying his wing. Garrick, Ula, Madi, and Skell rode by on magnificently groomed mounts trailing bright ribbons, but neither the men nor women sent a single glance toward Oriana and Albyn.

“Why is Egan so worried for my safety?” Oriana whispered. “They don’t even see me.”