Page 89 of Swept Away

Raven knew none of the crew would accuse him of cowardice for attempting to outrun a heavily armed iron ship rather than coming about to fight. Luck was with them, and as they gathered speed, the mist thickened into a blanket of fog that veiled their retreat. The Union vessel doggedly pursued them but the Confederate raider had been built for speed and the Yankees had no opportunity to use their cannon. With Raven changing their course repeatedly, they soon escaped unscathed into the open sea.

After ascertaining there had been no wounded, Raven congratulated his crew for their fine work. He then wiped his brow on his sleeve and returned to his cabin. As he came through the door, Sarah looked up at him, her glance filled with the curiosity he had expected her to show earlier.

“As I said, I’m Eden’s husband and I think it’s a good thing we’re bound for Jamaica as it may take me until we get there to tell you our story.”

Sarah sighed with relief. “I really didn’t plan this. I had hoped only to see Nathan for a few minutes. That was all.”

Raven nodded, then began to search his mind for a way to begin. Because he had already decided to tell Eden the truth, he thought for once he ought to use it. After all, he could certainly use the practice.

Chapter Twenty-Five

April 1864

Rebecca admired Eden greatly and had eagerly accepted her invitation to talk with her each evening before she went to bed. Perched on the edge of the blonde’s four-poster, she found it easy to converse about subjects she dared not broach with her brother.

“You and Raven seem to be very happy together,” she began shyly.

“We have had our problems, as I’m sure all couples do.” Eden had not had such an opportunity in their previous discussions, but seized it now. “Have you ever considered marrying again?”

Rebecca’s cheeks filled with a bright blush. “Oh no, one marriage was more than enough for me.”

“You weren’t happy?”

“Raymond was a wonderful man, but, well, there were certain aspects of marriage to which I just didn’t seem suited.”

“You didn’t enjoy keeping house?” Eden teased.

“No, it wasn’t that,” Rebecca admitted, but she knew Eden had not been serious. Certain her confidence would be respected, she asked the question that troubled her most. “Raven is such a handsome man, but despite that, don’t you find marital relationships rather distasteful?”

Eden did not think she dared admit just how greatly she enjoyed making love. “In what way?” she asked instead.

“Well, I know all men enjoy it, but how can a woman feel anything but humiliated to be used in that way?”

“Raymond did not hold you, kiss you, make you feel as though you were being loved rather than used?”

Rebecca shook her head. “I think he sensed I didn’t like his attentions, and just got them over with as quickly as possible.”

For a moment, Eden considered what that must have been like, then reached out to touch Rebecca’s hand with a fond caress. “It’s unfortunate that Raymond didn’t know how to please you, but I think you ought to give another man the opportunity to try. All of our patients like you. Is there one of them you consider special?”

Rebecca tried to hide her smile, but failed. “They are all sweet boys, but Dr. Endecott is the only man I’ve met since Raymond’s death who, well, who seems to share my interests.”

“He’s very nice, isn’t he?” Eden paused to cover a wide yawn. “I’m sorry. Let’s talk about him again tomorrow night, shall we?”

“I didn’t mean to tire you.” Rebecca rose to her feet, then turned as she heard the door open.

Yadira entered the room carrying a cup of warm milk for Eden. “You know Dr. Ryan wants you to be asleep long before this, my lady.”

The housekeeper had been wonderfully considerate of late, but Eden still felt uncomfortable around her. Each night Yadira brought warm milk, and knowing it would be good for the baby, Eden always drank it without argument. “We had just said good night,” she explained as she took the cup.

“Good. I left some warm milk in your room too, Mrs. Yardley,” Yadira explained as she walked Rebecca to the door. “You’ll feel far more rested in the morning if you drink it.”

“Why thank you, Yadira. That’s very sweet of you.”

“It is my pleasure.”

Eden bid them good night as they left her room, then began to drink her milk. After several sips, she noticed it had a peculiar taste, but thinking Yadira had added an herb or spice flavoring, she took several more mouthfuls before deciding she did not want any more. She set the half-empty cup aside and settled down among her pillows. It was not all that easy to get comfortable, but curled up on her side, she usually did not have too much difficulty falling asleep. When Yadira came into her room half an hour later, she stirred lazily before opening her eyes.

“You didn’t drink all your milk,” the housekeeper scolded gently. “You must finish it now.”