Page 57 of Swept Away

Eden interrupted her father’s threat with a hasty kiss. “Thank you. There’s so much about Raven that you don’t know, but please believe me, his character truly is an admirable one.” She caught sight of her husband out of the corner of her eye then, and hoped her father would act like a gentleman as he had promised.

Raven was not surprised to find Eden with her father and, after greeting him briefly, introduced the young black man at his side. “This is Azariah Dunn, my overseer. If you’ll give him a list of what you need, he’ll see you receive it promptly.”

“Thank you, I’ll do it first thing in the morning.”

Raven glanced over at the blond officer who was watching them with more curiosity than he considered polite. Making a determined effort to ignore him, he simply turned his back on him. “The slaves were freed here nearly thirty years ago. As you might expect, the sight of a Confederate ship at our docks makes those who can remember slavery more than a little nervous. I know there’s nothing you can do about your gray uniforms, but will you at least strike your colors?”

Eden saw the fire fill her father’s eyes and used her elbow to provide a sharp jab to his ribs to remind him of his promise. He looked down at her with a warning glance, then surprised her by agreeing to Raven’s request to lower their flag without argument. “Of course, I consider it only prudent to do so when it’s highly probable not all your neighbors are so willing to disregard Britain’s neutrality as you are, my lord.”

Raven was certain he had asked his father-in-law to call him by his name, and did so again. Nathan smiled as he said that he would, then motioned for the young officer who was obviously eager to join them to come forward.

“Lord Clairbourne, this is Michael Devane, my first officer. He’ll be the one supervising the repairs.”

“Raven Blade,” Raven repeated as he extended his hand. “I would prefer that you called me by my name, Lieutenant Devane.” He had taken an instant dislike to Michael when Nathan had first told Eden the young man was on board the Southern Knight. He saw no reason to change that view now. Michael had struck him at first glance as an arrogant dandy and he knew they would never become friends. He again introduced his overseer, and explained one of his many talents.

“Azariah is a master carpenter, so if you need help with your repairs, just ask him to assist you.”

Michael Devane dismissed the handsome Negro with no more than a disdainful glance. “I’m sure we’ll not require his help. We do need fresh water, though.”

“Help yourself to the river, Lieutenant.” Azariah inclined his head in a mock bow, turned away, and walked over to the men who had begun unloading the arms that were to be transferred to the Confederate ship.

“You ought not to allow such insolence from your servants,” Michael pointed out sharply.

Amused by his overseer’s obvious contempt for the arrogant lieutenant, Raven broke into a wide grin. “He’s an employee, not a servant, and I don’t consider him insolent at all.”

Raven was a couple of inches taller than Michael, and a good deal more muscular. While Nathan would have liked nothing better than to see a fight break out between

the two young men, he saw no point in encouraging such a contest when Michael could not possibly win. “Will you excuse us?” he asked his daughter instead. “I imagine you’re anxious to see your new home, and we’ve more than enough to do ourselves.”

“You’ll come for dinner tonight, won’t you?” Eden asked.

“We’ll have to make that tomorrow night, Captain,” Raven corrected. “We’ll be unable to entertain tonight.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Eden was badly embarrassed she had not considered that the household staff had just learned of Alex’s death and should not be asked to entertain. “Is everyone upset?”

“Devastated is a better word.” Raven found it difficult to believe Eden would have expected Alex’s servants to feel otherwise.

“We’ll have to let you know about tomorrow night then.” Eden reached up to kiss her father goodbye, but offered Michael no more than a smile.

When Raven took her arm, she apologized again as they started up the road toward the house. “I don’t know how I could have been so thoughtless. It’s just that we speak of Alex so often, it doesn’t seem as though he’s really gone.”

“I understand.”

Eden studied Raven’s pensive frown and doubted that he did. “Should we have some sort of memorial service here for him? He must have had many friends who’d like to attend.”

“Let’s discuss it after your father leaves.”

“Was he right about your neighbors? Will people be upset that we have a Confederate ship here?”

Raven shrugged. “It’s possible, but they’ll surely understand my reasons for wanting to aid my wife’s countrymen.”

“I certainly hope so.” Eden clung to her husband’s arm more tightly, but thought it prudent to change the subject.

“Tell me about Yadira. Is she all right?”

Raven came to a halt in midstride. “How did you hear about her?”

Eden explained her conversation with Randy. “She’s very pretty for a housekeeper. Is she efficient as well?”