Page 44 of Swept Away

that very instant realized what a baby could mean to Raven. She took a step back to make it easier to converse.

“You know I’m unfamiliar with many British customs even though my mother is English.”

“Treating women well is not only a British custom.”

“No, of course not, but that’s not what I meant. Forgive me if this question seems silly, or stupid to ask, but I know you’re the earl because Alex had no sons. What if I

succeed in bearing one?”

Her question was so obvious Raven could not understand why they had not discussed it when she had first told him of such a possibility. “You’re my wife, Eden, and any child you have while we’re married will be considered mine. If your child is a son, he’ll be my heir, and become the earl upon my death. Our marriage will not have cheated him out of his rightful title. He’ll still be the Earl of Clairbourne one day. Although I hope it will not be anytime soon,” he added with a teasing grin.

When they were on deck in the bright sunlight, it was possible to tell that Raven’s eyes were a deep brown. In his cabin, they appeared as black as the thick fringe of lashes that framed them. It was only when he was angry that Eden could read his mood in his glance; at other times, like now, it was impossible. While he frequently made jokes of serious matters, she never did. “And if we had not married?” she asked very softly.

“But we are married.”

“But if we were not?” Eden asked again.

Raven frowned slightly, uncertain what she expected him to say. “Alex named me as his heir in his will. When we reach Jamaica, we’ll have to go to Kingston and inform Alex’s attorney of his death. You can read the will then. Alex had no other male kin. His title is rightfully mine.”

The pride that filled Raven’s voice as he announced that fact was warning enough that she ought not to pursue the matter with him. Eden was deeply disturbed, however, for even if her child had not lost the chance to inherit his father’s title and wealth, Raven had certainly seized an opportunity that he might not truly deserve. She still did not understand enough about how titles were inherited to know if what he had done was illegal, or perhaps simply dishonest, but she intended to ask the attorney for his opinion on the matter.

A knock at the door signaled the arrival of their noon meal, but as Eden took her place at the table Raven knew she had not been satisfied with his answers to her questions. The very last thing they needed was another issue to create mistrust between them, but try as he might, he could not think of any way to erase the pensive frown from her brow.

When Eden lay down for a nap after Raven left her, she had far too much on her mind to sleep. As she had so often, she wished she could go to her mother for advice. Unfortunately, not only was her mother out of reach, but every other responsible person in the world as well. She was stranded on board a ship with at least a hundred men, none of whom was fond of her. The fact that grim group included her husband only made matters worse.

She did not want to believe Raven had taken advantage of her grief to rush her into marriage to preclude the possibility of her providing Alex with an heir. That was almost diabolical, and knowing Alex had had great faith in him, she hated to jump to what she feared was becoming the most obvious conclusion. She certainly could not confront Raven about their marriage when she was sure he would simply remind her that had she not been in “his” bed on the night of Alex’s funeral, there would have been no need for them to marry. He would undoubtedly remind her of that night as often as it took to silence her questions concerning his motives. She had no doubt of that, for unlike Alex, Raven was no gentleman.

When he returned to his cabin that evening, Raven hoped to find Eden in a better mood. When she did not accuse him of plotting against her as they ate dinner, he considered the evening a success.

“As soon as we get home, I’ll do what I can to send any message you’d like to your parents,” he offered graciously. “It won’t be easy, but I’m sure a way can be found to do it. They ought to know that you’ve married and left England.”

Surprised he would be so thoughtful, Eden was at a loss for what to say. “That would be wonderful, but I’ve no idea how I could possibly convey any sort of a coherent message that would adequately describe what these last few months have been.”

Raven drummed his fingertips on the table in an impatient cadence. “Why not simply say you’ve married the Earl of Clairbourne and have taken up residence on his plantation in Jamaica?”

Eden opened her mouth to argue that scarcely did justice to the truth when she suddenly had a better idea. “Raven, instead of failing to mention I was married to Alex when we reach Jamaica, why don’t we keep our marriage a secret? After Alex’s child is born, if we still want to be married, we can have another ceremony. There would be no scandal then, everything would be quite proper. My aunt will be far too embarrassed to tell anyone in London about us, and who at Briarcliff would have the opportunity? As for your crew, they seem to be so offended by our marriage that I’m certain you could convince them to keep it a secret.” Eden’s topaz eyes were radiant with delight, as though her sudden inspiration was the best of all possible solutions to their problems. Raven could neither understand nor believe how she could suggest such a stupid thing, however, and looked for something to throw to illustrate his opposition. His pewter plate was still handy and he flung it against the door with a force that dented the wood.

“Have you lost your mind? I did not force you to marry me; it was your choice. You’ve told me over and over again that the month you spent with Alex was worth whatever scandal your elopement caused. Are you completely unwilling to put up with any gossip to stay with me?”

Eden had explained her idea the instant it had come to her mind. Now she realized how truly desperate, and how insulting, it sounded. She had not dreamed she would hurt Raven’s feelings as she so obviously had. “It would also work to your advantage to delay the announcement of our marriage.”

Raven rose to his feet, placed his hands on the table, and leaned forward as he refused to consider her absurd suggestion. “You chose to be my wife, Eden, and I’ll not allow you to deny it!”

Feeling at a disadvantage in her chair, Eden stood to confront him. “I married you because I refused to become your mistress. Don’t try and make it sound as though I truly had a choice because I didn’t!”

“You don’t have one now either!” Raven shot right back at her.

“Oh yes I do,” Eden boasted, overwhelmed by the frustration he continually caused her. She had tried her best to be a good wife to him, but she didn’t need to waste the rest of her life on a marriage that was so one-sided. “When we visit Alex’s attorney, I can ask him about an annulment. I was far too overcome with grief to have been thinking clearly and that’s reason enough to void a marriage. If it’s impossible to get an annulment, there’s always divorce. I’ve had plenty of time to think since we left England and I’m much stronger now. I can manage on my own, I’m certain I can.”

Raven circled the table. “That’s a damn lie and you know it.”

“It is not.”

Rather than reply in words, Raven sought to prove his point by drawing her into a crushing embrace. When she turned her head to avoid his kiss, he grabbed her chin and held her still as he pressed his mouth against hers with a demanding pressure that swiftly parted her lips. When he tasted blood, he did not know if it was his or hers, but he did not care.

As Eden struggled to break free, she realized what a terrible mistake she had made in seeking to reach him with the passion it was so easy to arouse. That she had encouraged him to be an ardent lover, but had won neither his friendship nor respect, was shockingly evident now.

She was wearing a pale green gown of lightweight wool. She didn’t bother wearing several layers of starched crinolines on board the ship and there was so little between them she could easily discern Raven was fully aroused. As if that fact could have escaped her notice, he slipped his arm around her waist and g