Taylor's breathing rate immediately increased. Shit this is it. This is it and I can't even answer him. I knew it. Just say yes, sure, okay, anything.

"I can't. My sister is inside." Dammit. Way to go Taylor!

"She won't mind. I could go tell her if you'd like? I'm really good at negotiating and convincing people to see my way of thinking." His eyes stared at her mouth. His mouth only an inch from her. What was he thinking in that moment she wondered.

Taylor couldn't speak. The only response she could give was a quick nod. That was the best he was going to get from her at this point. His scent drove her completely mad. Is he wearing cologne? Or is that just his natural musky scent? His hand held Taylor's and she felt herself tremble in his touch as they walked back inside. The minute they were no longer alone she wanted to leave and be alone, with him again.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." His smile teased although she didn't have the slightest clue as to why. She watched as he disappeared into the crowd. Immediately feeling herself anxiously waiting for his return. She played with her fingers, her fingernai

ls, just trying to keep it together until his return.

She had a thought and then quickly lost it as she started quickly looking around to see

where he was.


Leaving with tall dark and handsome. Oh my God he is deliciously hot. Wish me luck! If he turns out to be a psycho killer, pray I get off first. LMAO. just kidding, seriously though, tell my kids I love them and you’re the beneficiary on my checking. Got ago. Love you.


"Are you ready?" His voice startled her.

"Yes." Taylor jumped at the touch of his hand to the small of her back as he led her out of the door into his car. She watched as he shifted from gear to gear smoothly. She didn't know how to drive a stick. Always wanted to learn, never having the opportunity. The small things in life that fascinated her curiosity she thought.

She flushed when she realized what had really caught her attention and it had nothing to do with the shifter. She was totally engrossed with the length of his fingers. Long, not skinny, not fat, perfect fingers. In her mind thinking of the old saying about the size of a man, it can be judged by his fingers. Her inner Goddess began jumping excitedly up and down, while the real her was thinking holy shit, hope it isn't true.

It had been six years since any man had touched her and as hard as it was to believe, Taylor hadn't even touched herself. Again thinking of old saying, if you don't use it you lose it.


About the time she was feeling some heat from the car they stopped. She looked out the window and they were parked in front of this massive building. It looked old, rundown, abandoned even.

She felt nervous, scared, but it was more of the fear of not knowing. She wondered what they could possibly be doing at a place like this.

The building dark, looking as if it came from a ghost town. The only thing that would've made it even creepier than it was right now, would have been if the windows would have been broken out. In fact, if anyone wanted to film a horror movie, this building would have been great place to start.

Tall rectangle shaped. She looked up counting the windows. Seven sets of Windows equaled seven different floors she thought, wondering which one he was taking her to.

"Where are we?" She was curious but for some reason she really didn't care. She was with him and they were. And at this moment, that was all that was mattered to her. She just wanted to be with him. Her emotions were on a crazy out of control roller coaster. One minute she was scared, then excited, then back to being nervous or curious with questions and wanting the answers.

All Taylor knew for sure was that in the short time she'd been acquainted with him, she felt like her again. The anger was gone. She could feel her heart beat again pushing the blood through her veins. She didn't have any violent urges trying to escape from her. The view was clear again because tears no longer blocked her vision. She was totally alive again!

"At my place." And with that he got out, Taylor turned to open her door and with the blink of her eyes he was there, opening her door, holding his hand out gesturing for her to take a hold and leading her inside this massacre ready building. She struggled to breathe as she thought of him tying her up and putting on a hockey mask.

"Taylor, breathe." Taylor looked up at him and his mouth was curved up into a smile and all she knew was, she wanted him to kiss her. No hesitation. No second thoughts.

When his mouth hit her lips he owned them. He demanded her return. He conquered her mouth as if they were at war. She tasted him and enjoyed every second of it. A hunger inside her was now coming to surface begging for more. When she thought she was sure to pass out from hypoxia, his mouth left hers.

When she opened her eyes, they were standing inside. How in the hell? Her silent question faded as her eyes began to scan the settings.

She was surrounded by bright bold colors. The couch red, velvet looking, with plush cushions. On either side of the couch an orange, armless chair.

Huge windows of tinted glass covered the wall in front of them giving a view from the opposite side of the building of their little town. Dark almost black hardwood floors. The walls of a dark gray. Nothing like a bachelor pad at all.

Paintings on the walls but she didn't have a clue as to who the artist was.

His movement caught her attention. The way he moved amazed her. Graceful. He stood in front of the radio messing with CDs. She couldn't help but to think please not Martina. That's Chase’s song. Please don't be anything Martina. Anything but her. He stopped taking out the city and put in another CD.