“Michael.” She choked back a scream. He was tall, red hair, skinny, very unattractively dressed in what looked like a cloak. Everything he wore was colored black. Just like in the movies.

“Nice to meet you Michael.” She moved towards Liz slowly. “We were just on our way out. Is there something I can do for you or help you with?”

He moved toward her quickly. “Stop playing me to be a fool you idiot. I know you know who I am and I definitely know who you are. Where is the amulet?” His eyes turned red. His accent was thick. British.

“What do you want with it?” She knew what he really wanted. Them dead. Like graveyard dead.

“You know that to. You have no idea how long I have been looking for you two. We can start with the amulet as I just asked. I won’t ask again. Where is it?” She started stepping back slowly as he made his way to her. Keeping an eye on Liz the entire time. She knew he was toying with her. If he were anything like Damien, he would be able to catch in a second.

. Just a little bit further please God this has to work.

Taylor looked behind her, almost to the hallway. Just a few more steps. Come on. I reach the hall. “RUN LIZ!!! HE CAN”T GET US BOTH GO GET HELP!!!!” The minute Liz ran out the door, Taylor ran down the hall locking herself in her bedroom. She knew she didn’t stand a chance but as long as he was busy with her, Liz could make it to the Tahoe and be gone.

She could hear him laughing at her. His footsteps were heavy and pounded against the floor. “That’s right run! I love the smell of fear.”

Taylor climbed out the window taking off. She turned the corner and she could see the back of the tahoe just before it went out of view.

“Thank God!” She was still running, she couldn’t breathe but something inside her forced her to go. She didn’t know where she was or where she was headed but she didn’t care. She just had to run long enough for Liz to get a hold of Damien and Jarrod.

“Wow!” She slipped, rolling down a hill before hearing a smack. She screamed out in pain before everything around her went completely black.


She stirred immediately feeling the sharp pain to her forehead. She reached up feeling the site of the pain. Her right ankle hurt and ached a dull paining throb. She tried to open her eyes but they were too heavy.

She could hear voices in the distance that she couldn’t make out for the fuzz that was lingering. The feel of snow was cold against her back and side but it wasn’t cold enough to keep everything around her from going black again.

When her eyes finally opened, she knew she had been found. She wasn’t cold anymore. She couldn’t feel the snow against her. She looked around the room. A heart monitor, she looked down and a BP cuff was still attached to her arm. Her finger had a pulse ox attached.

Her left hand had an IV. She looked over seeing only fluids running through it at a slow rate. She reached up to her forehead and could feel the bandage there. It didn’t hurt as bad as it had.

“What the hell?” Hands immediately were on hers. She pulled them back but then when she seen who they belonged to, she relaxed know he was there with her.

“You’re in the hospital Sweet. Take it easy. I’m here. Just rest.” He held her hand in his while caressing it gently.

“How did I get here? I was running from Michael. Oh my God Damien, Michael he found us. Where is he? He wanted the amulet and he was going to kill us!”

“Shh. Its ok your safe now. I heard you scream. I knew you needed me. He left the minute he kne

w we were there.” His voice was soft. Filled with regret. But from what?

“Vivian needed you Damien. Did you get her? Is she ok?” Please tell me she’s ok. I don’t think I could handle another person suffering because of me.

“She’s safe and sound. Michael planted the vision in Jarrod. He set us up. When we got there, she was fine. She didn’t even know what was going on. We took her back to Ramee’s so she would be safe. I never thought he would have done what he did. I thought you were safe. He took off as soon as we got back.”

“It’s ok. Oh my GOD LIZ!. I told her to run for help. She ran. I know she made it to the Tahoe. I got to see her heading down the hill when I was running from him right before I fell down the hill.” She watched his eyes darken and fill with sadness. “What, what’s wrong? Oh my God did he get, he did, ok. It’s ok. We gotta get her. Come on, we can get her back.” Taylor went to sit u but his hand gently held her in place.

“She was in an accident. She was driving too fast and slid off the road over turning multiple times.” His voice ended in a whisper.

“Ok, is she ok? Is she hurt? Take me to see her.” Please take me. Don’t tell me she’s dead.

“She’s not dead. Sweet she’s hurt bad. She’s in ICU. Jarrod hasn’t left her side.”

“How bad?” A million different injuries started running through her head.

“Bad Sweet. I don’t quite understand it and I don’t want to make it worse by trying to repeat what he said. The doctor said he will see you when you’re ready.”

“I want to see her now. Have him meet me at bedside.” She shoved his hand away from her and stood feeling some soreness in her ankle. She didn’t think about it again as her only priority was to get to Liz now and see how bad she was really hurt. She reached over the counter. She grabbed a 4x4, shut the pump off, and took out her IV. Holding the gauze in place as she left.