Her eyes close taking in the exhilarating touch. Lighthearted, tranquil, content, worry free, in love, and satisfyingly complete in every way.

She yawned unexpectedly. His response was a chuckle against her ear.

“I wore you out didn’t I. I’ll keep that in mind when I wake you up in the morning.” More of a matter of fact, ‘I know I did’ statement than a question.

“Yes My Sex God, yes you did.” She giggled back at him.

After thoroughly washing every last inch of her more than once and massaging her from her neck to her toes while washing her, the shower ended. As much as she would have loved for it to continue, she was exhausted. Not from playing Dom versus Sub, but from the events leading to this very moment over the last few days.

She curled into the pillow while he tucked her in. “Aren’t you going to lay down with me?”

“No, I don’t sleep.” A sly smile appeared across his lips.

“Oh, I never asked, I just assumed. Will you sit with me for a while? Maybe answer some questions for me?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else in the world. Well maybe one place.”

She shoved at him playfully. “Where else would you rather be? You know if you have something else you would rather be doing….” His mouth crushed against hers as she drank him in again.

“Don’t ever question I wouldn’t want to be with you. You come before anything else in my life.” His eyes appeared as if he was scolding her so she didn’t forget this lesson.

“Then what do you mean?” Taylor had to know. Understand his statement. She had only been teasing before but now his stern voice peaked her curiosity and scared the shit out of her as well.

“Promise not to freak out?” He looked a little worried.

“Yes.” She whispered trying not to freak out. After the past few days, she certainly had enough reason to freak out.

“The day you and the twins were at my house. That was the best day of my life. I have loved you before you were born, loved incredibly more since I have met you, loved your kids through you and I have grown to love them as well from knowing them. I sorta think of them as my own. I know it’s not possible, but they are the closest to mine I will ever get.”

She put a finger over his mouth to stop his rambling. Her heart hitched. He loved hers kids. Thank You Jesus, he loves my kids.

“I would never freak out over you loving my children. Think of them as your own. That makes me very happy. And besides, I can’t imagine my world without you in it and they are a permanent part in mine.”

“Good. What’s your first question?”

“Well you said something about evoking the spirits when we were in Seattle. What does that mean?”

“Well that means that instead of having a preacher marry us, our ancestors would marry us. Your parents, my parents.”

“Your parents are dead?”



“When Jarrod and I were just little ones, someone got wind that we were chosen to marry the prophecy. You and Liz. Some came after us. They protected us with their lives.”

“I’m so sorry Damien.”

“Don’t be. I’m not. I still talk to them. Sometimes not as often as I would like, I can still hear their voices answering my questions when I am most troubled. Next.”

“So you mean ghosts would marry us?” Taylor became frightened just by the thought of it.

“Yes. But not like you think. They aren’t going to float around or sneak up on you and scream boo!” He yelled at her. She jumped and they both break out into a fit of laughter.

“They would look just like you and I. So much so, that if you wanted to invite your friends they would never know. Just like you seen Chase.”

“Ok. That’s better. Eases my mind. If I choose to remain human, would you stay with me or leave me? How do you know I seen Chase? I thought you broke the connection between us?” She looked down closing her eyes fearful of the answer.