“With Jarrod.” He stalked towards her.

“I’m not playing Damien. This is serious.” The more she argued the fact they were not about to have sex, the more he wanted her.

“I agree. It’s been to long since I got to touch you.” Slowly he reached out, brushing her hair away from her face. “You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.” He whispered. He leaned down slowly, and began nipping the tender flesh of her neck.

“Why do you make it so difficult for me?” She didn’t mean for the quiet moan to escape her mouth but it had.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I know you shouldn’t be talk about that. Right now you should be thinking of all the nasty sweet things I am about to do to you.” He raised his head up and leaned in. Taylor just knew he was going to kiss her, but he didn’t. Instead he brushed her lips with his before nipping her lower lip. Teasing her in to submission.

“You can win if you would just kiss me already.” And just like that his mouth was on hers. Her inner Goddess began crying out in pleasure. This is what she wanted.

A shiver ran through her body as his tongue dipped inside further taking what he wanted. She might have been saying no but her body was saying yes. Yes she wanted this. Yes she needed this.

She sighed when he pulled his mouth away. Staring in to his eyes waiting for him to answer her silent question. Why did you stop?

“On the bed. My rules. How do you address me?”

Her insides quivered in excitement. “Sir.”

“Good girl. Shoes off. Bed. Now. Flat on your back, and then don’t move an inch.”

Immediately she turned, walking to the bed, slipping off her shoes before lying flat down on her back. She couldn’t see him because he stood out of her peripheral vision. She tried to be patient while she waited but she found it very hard. She growly quietly.

She closed her eyes trying to steady her breathing but it was no use. The only way she was going to be able to relax was for him to take her to the place she needed to be. To give, what she needed.

Finally she heard him moving and opened her eyes. He now stood over her looking down. Showing his impossibly any sexier smile, then becoming serious.

“Sit up. Strip. Your feet do not touch the floor.” He didn’t move and inch when her fingers went straight for the pair of jeans she was wearing. She shimmied them down her hips taking off her panties with them. The cooler air of the room kissed her bare skin causing a shiver to run through her body and a smile on Damien’s lips.

She sat and slowly pulled her shirt up and over her head. She looked at Damien watching as his eyes stayed locked with her covered breast. The heat and want in his eyes gave her what she needed. Teasing him slowly, she rose to her knees and turning she turned her back to him.

She slid first one strap down her arm, then the other.

She heard Damien growl, which only excited her more. It was now her turn to tease him. She unclasped the bra but held it in place for a second before looking over her shoulder dead in his, she smiled. Then threw it his direction.

“I know what you’re doing Sweet. Remember our arrangement.” He didn’t need to say anything further, she had heard him loud and clear. But right now she was playful, excited, and horny as hell.

“What am I doing, Sir?” She batted her eyes.

“On all fours, ass in the air.” Oh, she knew that tone. That was the tone of her Sweet Sex God. The one that made her want to please him. To move at his every command. Anything he wanted, she would give.

Slowly she did as he ordered, lifting her ass. She peered at him, again looking over her shoulder. He hadn’t moved an inch. She felt herself frown and then it was game on again. Slowly from side to side, her ass began to sway. Teasing him. Inviting him.

She almost let out a giggle when his growl grew louder as he stepped towards her. She felt her breath catch at the first touch of his fingertips across the sensitive flesh of her ass. She groaned when he slid down, teasing a soft rub over her erect nub. His chuckle wasn’t reassuring he would do what she wanted. She knew she was in for it when his finger moved a quick circle, then leaving.

Softly traveling back up, over her the spot she wanted him the most. He paused when he reached the forbidden entrance. Applying just enough pressure to make move slightly forward and away.

“You won’t be able to move later.” She couldn’t see him, she didn’t dare turn to look but she could hear his smile.

She felt the butterflies grow when she heard the zipper of his pants going down. She yelped when his hands gripped her hips and pulled to the edge of the bed. She cried out when he quickly shoved his cock in to her pussy, deep, no tenderness.

His fingers buried in to her hips, using them, pulling them towards him as he thrust forward. Taking what he wanted.

Her fingers gripped the sheets in knots as he showed her no mercy. She had taunted him and now she was paying the price. The price that she would gladly pay over and over. She loved the tender Damien, she loved the play Damien, but she really, really loved this Damien. The Damien that didn’t act as if she were a fragile piece of meat that could be broken.

His cock continued to kiss the inside of her vagina. Sweat beaded on her skin as she moaned and cried out. Her muscles tightened and she gripped him harder. Her orgasm exploded from with the force of a rocket taking off, her body shook.

Damien however kept his thrust moving in and out. When he felt the last of her vibrations leave he pulled out from her.