"Come." He said as in war but it was more of a question in his eyes. She blinked fast trying to clear her eyes from whatever spell had come over them.

"How did you do that?" That was fast, almost freakishly fast she thought.

"Do what?" And then he narrowed his eyes at her as if he was struggling to see something? She wondered what the hell he was looking for exactly.

"Move like that." Don't be coy with me dude. I know you did. Or maybe I don't. But that was fast. Like Superman fast.

"Like what?" The look in his eyes and the scant grin on his face made her forget what she was asking. A little tickle hit her brain then the touch of his hand on her hip made her nervously tremble. She gasped a small amount of air and when his grip tightened and she felt his fingertips dig in softly.

"It's just a dance." His words were smooth and comforting. His eyes looked in to hers as if he was reading her every thought. The slow shift of their bodies as he began to sway her back and forth, only made her bundle of nerves grow further, twisting and turning deep inside her stomach.

Suddenly the thought of everything else in the world had cleared her mind. She was calm, stress free. The nerves quickly faded. The knot that had taken up residence in her chest was gone. Her eyes no longer burned from fighting back tears. The urge to smile was strong and suddenly took over. She had life in her body again.

She began laughing loudly. Something she hadn't done in a long time.

She was having fun. Another thing that didn't occur often. That in itself a very rare occurrence.

She was her old self again and enjoyed just being her again. She wanted to keep dancing with this man. Damien. Her new addiction. Her version of Valium.

The music faded from her hearing and it was like it was just Damien and her. Dancing. Nothing around them mattered. She felt free, released and energized.

For the next hour they didn't stop dancing. She couldn't tell you what the music was like because she didn't hear it. She couldn't tell you what everyone was doing because she didn't see them. She didn't know what was done during that short hour because she never took her eyes away from him.

She didn’t know who won the tonsil hockey match. Had no clue what color panties the woman wore. Didn't know how many people came and went. She just knew that she felt alive again in his arms and she never wanted to leave them.

Dark, piercing, yet soft and brilliantly seductive eyes stayed locked with hers. They had complete and total control over her. Not that she minded it all one bit. Amazingly sexy and attractive, she could have stared at them all night, and more than likely would have, had Liz not interrupted them with her perfectly bad timing.

"Tay,. Who do we have here?" Oh no. Here goes. I knew it. God just let me die now. Please? Not literally but she sure in the hell wanted to curl up and hide.

His eyes smiled in to hers and she almost felt them before he turned. "You must be Liz, I’m Damien." His hand left her hip and held out for Liz to shake and Taylor immediately felt disappointment that and from the loss of his touch. Apparently a touch that didn't have the same effect on Liz because she didn't have any problem at all turning back to Taylor.

"You would be correct. Nice to meet you Damien. Glad my little sister thinks so much of me as to talk about me. Hopefully all good. Taylor, would you accompany me to the ladies room please?" Damn you! Why now was all that came to

her mind. Her body couldn't move away from his no matter how hard she tried. Paralyzed, but by what she thought. Why couldn't she move? What was it about being this close to him that kept her there?

Was it her body's way of telling her it needed his touch? Was it her mind's way of telling her don't go your alive? Or her inner Goddess working her magic? She replayed their brief introduction and then thought about it, she didn't remember talking about Liz. But then she didn't remember what songs they danced to either, didn't know if she stepped on his toes, didn't know anything. Just that she wanted him.

"Taylor, come on. This won't take long. Promise." Liz grinned at Taylor, but Taylor could tell she was for it. And just like that she moved. Easily. Why hadn’t she been able to do that seconds ago?

The bathroom door opened and closed and then the interrogation started similar to how she knew it would.

"Spill it!" Her eyes were huge. All questions. Full of excitement like she was her next big romance novel, with a plot that was sure to end with again, happily ever after.

"What?" She knew damn well what or who I should say. Her inner Goddess was laughing outrageously hard at the expression on Liz’s face. Taylor quickly looked around making sure the coast was clear. It was bad enough she had to have this conversation with her sister, who actually was her best friend, so she didn't understand why she was uncomfortable with it to begin with.

"That brilliantly designed piece of work you are dancing with, that's what!"

"Damien. He told you that already. It isn't very nice not to pay attention to someone when they are introducing themselves. You know that. English 101, should have paid more attention to Mr. Gall." Now Taylor wondered why she was dodging what Liz wanted to hear. She knew why, the mysterious keeping devil on her shoulder made her do it. This was her bit of excitement and she didn't want to lose it by hearing the what-ifs, do this, or do that. Or at least not yet anyways.

"Taylor, are you purposely doing this or did you order a drink called dummy up quick because if you did, it's kicked in?"

"Neither. I don't know what you're talking about." Taylor knew exactly what Liz was talking about.

"Really? Okay, well beings that you don't want to say you're attracted, I’m sure the hell ain't afraid to admit it. He is totally yummy and I'm not scared of getting a little freak on! Yup that's me, freaky and I might add that I am single as well."

"Don't you dare!" Jealousy raged out of her mouth mixed in with her words. Holy shit! If Taylor heard it, she knew Liz had. Taylor knew coming out tonight was a bad idea. But he totally looked like such a tasteful idea. She was 100% on. Totally yummy!

"That's what I thought. So am I taking myself home? You know, I might suddenly have to leave and you're not ready to go yet, so you're gonna need a ride home." She batted her eyes while mouthing the word please to Taylor.