“No, that’s alright. Tell him give me five and I will meet him out front.” She wanted to laugh knowing that he had heard everything Alice had said through her own thoughts. She could only imagine what it was doing to his impressively large ego already.

“Where have you been hiding this one?” Alice commenced to probing her.

Really? You don’t wanna go there trust me.

“I haven’t been hiding anyone anywhere. He found me.” The bright glow all over her face told everyone in the room she was hooked.

She grabbed her things and exited the door coming almost chest to chest. Her dose of valium waiting on her to settle the withdraws of being away from him for eight long, everlasting hours. He looked down right edible in his attire consisting of a black leather jacket, white knit sweater, and dark jeans paired with a pair of black dress shoes.

Yummy Yummy!

He smiled as she took the two steps that closed the gap between them. Seductively he kissed her, surprising her inner Goddess. Then leaving her begging for more. “Sorry I couldn’t help myself. Turn around and bow to our audience, Sweet.” She turned slowly around noticing her co-workers standing there gaulking at her. Jesus!

They erupted, clapping their hands causing Taylor to flush as she waved bye. “Secretly calling out “eat your heart out girls, this one is all mine”. Emphasis on all. She had to get out of there before she completely embarrassed herself in front of her professional peers.

“I take it you’re ready then.” He placed his hand on the small of her back and lead the way to his car. “Do you want to eat before we leave or shall we eat on the way?” He questioned.

“On the way. I can never eat until I have unwound some.” And besides I’m really not interested in eating anything that isn’t a part of you.

“Oh Sweet what am I going to do with you now. On the way it is.” He laughed as he climbed in the car hitting the road turning onto I55.

Taylor knew that they would be taking a small flight from Cape to St. Louis, then boarding another to Denver.

“So I’m curious. If you don’t have to fly or drive why are we driving to Cape and then flying to Denver?”

“Because it isn’t as exciting. Anticipation can be our friend.” He quickly raised and dropped his eyebrows sending Taylor into a fit of laughter. Maybe it was from her nerves or maybe it was just because he made her happy.

Taylor had never flown before and as the got closer to Cape, she became aware of the butterflies fighting their way around her stomach. It felt like they are fighting for the world cup or something in there.

“It’s no big deal. Flown a thousand times. I think you’ll like it.” He tried to reassure her but somehow this time it was gonna take a little more than a few words for that to happen. She knew Damien was working his magic as they faded. Thank God. She really didn’t want to show him what she had eaten for lunch.

“I really don’t want to see it either.” He smirked.

“Good. Because that is one thing I don’t plan on showing you this weekend.”

“Is there anything else I can’t see or am I open to view anything.”

“Anything you want. I’m all yours.” She was feeling bold. He didn’t respond with words only a shift in his body language.

She had expected it to be a long wait, but the minute they pulled in, they were being escorted on the small plane. Taylor quickly sat buckling in. The plane was small. Only eight seats. They were alone. She wondered if he had arranged for it to be a private flight but didn’t continue to dwell on it as she heard the plane’s engines roar to life.

Her hands gripped the seat knowing without even looking, her knuckles were more than likely white from the fierce grip she had. She turned looking at Damien expecting him to fix her. “Not this time Sweet. You need to learn that fear is just that. Your fear is from the unknown. Just breathe with me.” I understand what you are trying to do but really does it have to be now? And it’s easier for you, you don’t have to breathe.

“Yes it has to be now. I need you to face your fear head on. Otherwise this weekend won’t be as interesting as I know it can be. I won’t force you into this. I want you to feel the emotion involved in it.”

“Involved in what?”

“Oh My Sweet, I aim to please.” The smile on his face hitched her breath. Shit! He laughed. “Taylor. He is just that, a fictional character in a book. Why do I sense your fear? Why do I feel your lust?” He smiled wickedly at her.

Damn can’t hide nothing from you Vamp.

“It’s not fear or lust. I don’t know how to explain it. Reading that book is like opening a new set of doors to humanity. A few years ago, people like him would have been like a freak by society. Now, marriages have been saved. People have opened their eyes to compromise and have really learned the meaning of the word.” She looked at him.

“And?” Damn, he’s gonna make me say it.

“Ok, so there is lust there to. But technically as you pointed out he is a fictional character. Therefore I do not lust after him, I lust after the thought of the man he is. Does that make any sense to you at all?”

“Oh, I think I can put it together well enough. Take a breath Sweet, here we go.”