His lips brushed over hers and then latched on to her chin, her jaw, nipping along the way with his teeth. Down her neck. A brush of a tongue against her jugular and his mouth was back on hers. She pulled away looking at him questioning him.

“Sweet, there is no way I could ever do that to you now. I can’t and I won’t. But for you to offer and then not to pull away, well it’s, an extraordinary feeling.”

“What do you mean for now?” What’s the difference between now and later?

“If you change it’s different. There will be some trying tribulations later. Not now.”

“What do you mean by tribulations?”

“Because you have to know when enough is enough and when to stop. It’s not easy to stop once you get that taste.”

Ok enough with that. She didn’t want to hear about trying tribulations. She had enough worries to think about.

Ok then. No sucky sucky. Too bad. I rather enjoyed the idea of it. She gave him the incentive to do the kind of sucky sucky she had come to crave. Dream about. Yearn for.

“Oh, I think I can manage that one.” A sly smile graced his lips then they were on her. Kissing, licking and sucking his way down. Really far down. She gasped as he bit into her upper inner thigh. No pain. Disturbing places to the right of his teeth.

One lick later she cried out loudly as he flicked his tongue across her clit. He sucked it into his mouth causing her to scream out from the pleasure that he was awakening inside her.

“You’re gonna have to be a little on the quiet side. You don’t wanna wake the kids up do ya?”

“I can’t help it. Please.” Jesus I’m begging you already.

“Sweet, you have to be quiet.” He stopped touching her. She opened her eyes to find him staring down into hers.

“I’ll try.” Get back to work. She smiled briefly.

“I’ll try not to educate you in the world of bondage tonight, but gagging may come in handy if you can’t control your mouth and the noises you tend to make.” Oh Fuck! The look in his eyes. Raw, pure excitement. He wanted to gag her. There was no doubt in her mind.

“Among other things. Don’t tempt me. Now quiet.” His mouth remained straight. She felt uneasy with his stare, until his tongue flicked and tasted again.

“Hmmm.” Again she didn’t control her sound level.

“Oh Sweet. There you went and did it.”

She stilled. Remembering what he said about gagging her. “No. I’ll be quiet, promise.” And his mouth was back on her.

She bent her index finger biting down on her knuckle as he continued with his insane assault. Oh my God! She could feel one finger going in her now, then two. He thrust them in and out of her. Quickly. With his palm he teased her clit while massaging the utter most sweet spot inside her.

She was close. Right there. She knew it was. “Please, it’s too much, please. Just wriggle your nose!” She begged for an orgasm. Relief. Pleasure.

Immediately after speaking the words she exploded out around him, jerking away from his touch uncontrollably. He followed grabbing her hips, he leached on to her clit with his mouth and sucked with a vengeful meaning.

She bucked against him trying to break his contact but it was no use. He had hold of her and her hips weren’t moving. He kept her planted flat against the mattress. She bit down harder on her knuckle.

Then violently without warning, she came again. Explosively. Oh thank God! She felt his chuckle against her inner thigh. She relaxed taking a deep breath.

“How was that for sucky sucky?” He laughed. Then quickly he flipped her onto all fours and began pounding in to her from behind. She bit down on her pillow to keep the scream at bay. Another hard thrust and he was moaning as he orgasmed.

She stretched out, still feeling the aftershocks of the never expected orgasmic experience. Every orgasm he gave her was like the first. Like she really didn’t know what to expect but when it happened she was flabbergasted by it. Craving more and more of them.

She twisted and turned beneath him taking all of it in. She realized how calm he was.

“If you feel everything as I feel it, how do you stay still and keep doing what you do?”

“Practice. Let me see that knuckle of yours that you used for a gagging mechanism.” He wasn’t asking. She gave him her hand. He rubbed over the knuckle that she had been tasting earlier. His fingertips brushed across it and she realized how sore it really was now. She had been clamped down on it. He leaned his head down, starting at the tip, he took it into his mouth, sucking it. Tasting it. Teasing her. Holy hell this is hot!

He pulled back and again rubbed his finger over it. This tim