“No a mysterious woman acting as someone she’s not, falling in love with the sheriff of the town set back in like horse and buggy days? Oh wait I got it.

“A lonely girl with no family, letting her guard down to the bad boy of the town who no longer is the bad boy he used to be? Or maybe back in the day of settling the land, uh let’s see, a young girl 18 or so, virgin of course, on a trail with her mother and father. Indians storm the trail and the parents send the young girl to run for her life in which another Indian sees her. He of course is immediately twitterpated with her. He kidnaps her and takes her virgin flower and she immediately falls in love with him?” Taylor chuckled as she waited for a response and was surprised when she looked over at Liz, who had only held one finger in the air gesturing to wait.

Taylor took notice that Liz’s face was flushed, sweaty almost, totally stirred by whatever the hell it was she was reading. Taylor never read the historical romances that Liz generally read. Taylor preferred mystery or vampire novels. There was something about a hot erotic vampire that turned her on.

“Oh my God that was so freaking hot.” Liz fanned herself with the book. “You’ve got to read this. This has got to be the hottest, no sexiest book I have ever read. I mean it. Woo! I swear it is nothing like neither of us has ever read and probably will never read another one even in the same league as this one. I guarantee it.”

Taylor burst out laughing. What kind of book could do that to an adult woman? After all it was a freaking book. Not real.

“Please let me see that thing.” She sarcastically grabbed the book and read through it expecting the same ole thing. Oh holy hell! Taylor was now hooked. She literally couldn’t stop reading about the handcuffs, bondage, spanking and some incredibly kinky sex. She could feel herself flushing all over and suddenly understood why Liz had been so bothered. Right now Taylor had a sudden urge to go buy some rope.

Taylor finished the scene and turned back to Liz. “When you’re done, I get it next! Don’t stop until you’re finished.” Taylor had to admit, just that one little scene had done things to her that hadn’t occurred since Chase’s death. Never in a million years would she have thought about be flogged as sexy, turn on, or even interesting.

“I told you right.” Liz laughed flipping back through the pages and nestling back into the couch into the same comfy appearing position she had been in.

“When you’re done with it, I want it next. Seriously.” Taylor felt she needed to reiterate her earlier statement as she turned walking back to the kitchen.

“I told ya so.” Liz giggled softly.

Taylor didn’t say much after that. Later on that night, she was standing at the sink washing supper dishes remembering the last time Chase had been there to help her. The last time she allowed him to help her do anything.


“Pass me those plates.” Taylor reached up and handed them to him, admiring just how damn sexy he looked standing there doing something as simple as dishes. He stood 6 foot tall and towered her short 5 foot 2 inch height. Chase was built like a God. Taylor always had felt scrawny next to him, while extremely safe.

“Taylor what are you doing?” He didn’t have to look at her. She knew he knew exactly what she was doing. Lusting after her incredibly sexy man. He always knew what she was up to. She was an open book to him, Chase understood her like no one else ever did. The connection between them was like nothing she could have ever imagined.

“What do you think I’m doing?” Taylor stood behind him, slipping her hands into the back pockets of his Levis. Oh his wonderfully filled out Levis, with that butt. You know the one. The one you see in the commercials. Yes, that butt!

“Staring at my ass instead of rinsing the now full sink of dishes is exactly what you’re doing Babe. Wanna try to deny it? We can play hard to get again if you’d like. It holds so many more possibilities.” Taylor laughed at him when he said it. He really did know her all to well. Before she could respond to him, he spun around, ripping her hands from his ass, grabbing her face and kissed her. Not just a ‘you better get back to rinsing dishes kiss’, but a ‘hurry let’s get this done, so I can ravage you all night kiss’.

His mouth tasted of fried chicken. Taylor loved the way his tongue would conquer hers, no matter how hard she tried to play hard to get. Or the way he could force her mouth open and take what he wanted. She loved the way the feel of his hard, muscular, chest against her breast, would make her weak in the knees. And she loved the way he felt when he was deep inside her, moving as if his only duty in life was to pleasure her.


“Tay, come on don’t cry. He wouldn’t want that. You know that.”

“How do you know what he would want? How do I know what he would want? It’s not like he can tell me what he wants. He never told me what he wanted and it’s not like I have a choice in the matter. It’s not like I wanted this. God damn it! I can’t do this! I want him back Liz. I want to wake up and feel his arms around me. I want to smell him again. I want to get mad at him again. I want to argue with him so we can have incredible make up sex. I want him!!!.” Taylor wiped the tears and then continued to vent.

“Do you know what it's like to have this huge, hole in your chest, that’s there no matter what you do, and keeps getting bigger and bigger and there isn’t anything you can do about it? Do you know what it's like to dread going back to work every day, because I have to deal with sick people? Do you have any idea how I feel every damn day? I'm lost Liz. I can’t do this without him. God has to hate me. He has to. Why else would he take him away from me? Can you tell me that?

"Or how sometimes when the house is really quiet, I can catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. Or at night when the house is completely quiet, I can almost hear his laugh. Or when I catch a strong scent of him next to me. A cool whisper of air next to my neck. All the damn time! Do you know that sometimes I still expect him to walk right through those doors to me? Wrap his arms around me and tell me he loves me. Tell me he’s sorry for leaving me and he's missed me terribly, as much as I him and he will never do it again! Why? Why Liz, just tell me?"

She didn't mean to scream Lord knows, definitely not Liz all people. She had been her rock and savior from complete insanity since that day, it was just that anger now ran in the place of the blood in her veins and seemed to only grow day after day and no matter what she did to try to let go of it, it only got worse the more she thought about it, the more she tried to forgive Chase for not staying with her.

/> Liz grabbed a hold of her, embracing her and just let her cry. She always knew what Taylor needed. Had been six years since Chase's death but to Taylor each day felt like the same day over and over again. The day she had to say goodbye. The day she had to bury the entirety of her life. The day her heart no longer needed to beat because life no longer existed in her body.

The day God should have taken her with Chase, because she became nothing more than a walking, talking, breathing corpse of a body that had nothing left.

Six weeks after the funeral, Liz convinced her after weeks of throwing up non-stop to go to the doctor. When the doctor told her she was pregnant, her heart stopped. She couldn’t believe it. Chase and her had tried for 5 years to get pregnant and never did.

She had been so busy with Chase she hadn’t noticed the signs. She had missed several periods but then that was nothing for Taylor. Her periods were always coming and going and that was one of the reasons the doctors had thought it was so hard for her to conceive.

Only five months later Zacharia Thomas and Ashley Paige were born. Both healthy as they could be. The first look into Zach’s eyes were like looking straight into Chase’s.

Liz moved in after to help Taylor with raising a set of twins. Without Liz, she hadn’t know what she would have done. Everything from that point on revolved around the babies. Taylor worked days, Liz worked evenings. The twins were on an easy schedule for sleeping and feeding and Taylor and Liz soon fell into that schedule as well.

Chapter Two