
"Bet the birth of the twins was a bitch for you huh? C-section and all. I hope you felt all of it." In that moment the words were said she realized how big of a bitch she was being.

"No it wasn't pleasurable. But, I can control mine unlike you. Now you're just being a bitch!" He threw her thoughts back at her.

"Fuck You! You've been a bastard a lot longer than I bitch, so fuck yourself."

"I've done that. I still do quite often as a matter of fact. Nothing like a good hand job to release stress. You however, never have. But you will before too long. Keep talking to me like you are right now, and you have something else to be pissed about. And that would not be a threat." Harsh. He was really pissed off now.

"Too bad you can't do that little mood control thing on yourself there vamp!" Stick that in your bag in suck it.

"Okay now you did it. I feed off of your mood. So here you go." His eyes went red. Bright red. Shadows under his eyes. Brows’ squinted together. Lips, a hard flat line.

And she realized just how much he had reacted off her mood.

"So do you love me?" Okay, so Taylor knew exactly what she was doing and that was saving her own ass. She didn't know what else to say. All she knew was that at that moment, she had to do something to get his mind elsewhere. And quick!

"Yes. With everything in me."

She was pleased to hear those words presented as well. She could see his expression understanding now why he had so many changing expressions. One minute sad, then happy, then at peace. Then she really understood why. Because that was how she felt. His emotions bounced off of her emotions, opening her eyes to exactly how she had been feeling.

"Now you understand." He sighed. As if he'd been waiting to tell her. Like it taken a ton of weight off his shoulders.

"So you feel everything I feel all the time." She blushed realizing now that last night you must of felt multiple experiences. She couldn't help herself, she kept her eyes on him. But when his eyes met hers, she couldn’t hold the stare. She had to turn away. Gain her sense of strength again, that he seemed to have the ability to take away as well.

"Yes." He breathed out. "And I feel it now too." She hurting pushing the words out.

She raised her head up and his mouth was on hers. He took control of her. Taking what he wanted. Concrete her. And then she began thinking maybe it was just him making her feel this way.

She just learned what he was in some of what he could do, and what he had done, what he would do and yet she still wanted him. And if that was all him and his abilities, and that only meant that none of the way she felt about him was real.

His mouth left hers as he pressed his for head hers. "Sometimes this is a curse. Taylor I'm not making you feel this or anything for that matter right now. This is all you. You can feel the connection between us as well. This is how it could be forever."

He was absolutely right, she could feel the connection. The connection was probably less from lack of sex in the last six years but that was besides the point. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe she did feel something there, but she wouldn't confuse them right now with anything but what they can be for her anyways. Lust!

Chapter Five

She didn't know what made her want him now but she knew she needed him as much as she needed food and water to survive. She smashed her mouth against his. Feeling an uncontrollable urge to take what she wanted from him. When he was offering to her. Their tongues squatted around and over each other.

Her tongue grazed over his teeth that she had just watched grow earlier into fangs. He growled into her mouth. The sound alone drove her categorically crazy. She could tell they were sensitive and wondered if they were like sexual sensitive or like cold, heat sensitive. She ran her tongue over them again, he quickly answered her question.

"You keep doing that, we’ll will never make it further than what we are right now."


"Oh would be correct." His red eyes dazzled with excitement.

She didn't want it to end right now. She didn't want to end it all. This is what she was wanting. What she craved. And if he was a vampire, she would never have to worry about him dying on her. This could be the start of something that she needed.

Her hands made light paths, over his shoulders and back. Her nails dug into him and she had no doubts that there would be some very visible scratches when she was done in the thought alone of marking him drove her crazy.

Greedily she pulled his shirt from his body. Tasting his chest, tugging his nipple with her teeth, licking his stomach, circling his navel. She wanted it all and she wouldn't waste anymore time getting what she wanted.

She kissed her way back to his mouth and then stood in front of them. He stood with passion orbing from his bright crimson eyes. She leaned forward to kiss him again and seen his mouth open but then she pulled away smiling devilishly back at the same smile on his face.

She dropped to her knees in front of him and her fingers having a mind of their own worked his body. She undid each of the five buttons keep in his jeans close, kissing his abdomen as she did. She wasted no time on sliding his jeans and boxers to the floor around his ankles.

She wrapped her hand around his full erection and began moving. She licked across his head quickly teasing him. She looked up to see his dark eyes on her. Glaring at her. Almost hypnotizing her. Suddenly both self-conscious of his eyes watching her do this and the fact that it turned her on even further she paused.