
"How long?" She asked.

"For a very, very long time." He smiled moving away from her and looking out the window.

"Does it bother you to answer my questions?" She didn't want to cause any pain. Lord knew she didn't and still didn't want to talk about losing Chase.

"No, not with you. I fear the truth will scare and push you away. I have only finally found you."

"What do you mean by that? You have only found me."

"My mate. What you call soul mates. We can have relationships of many kinds. But we can only feel the one person that we are drawn to. Imprinted with."

Imprinted? Your kind? Can I ask that?

"Yes. You can ask that. You can ask me anything as long as you keep an open mind and forget anything that you have seen in the movies or read in books. All of that is false and true but it's different."

She could see the struggle inside him. As if he was searching for the right words or if he was searching for the strength to tell her something he didn't really want to.

"Your kind? What is you were kind?" She was scared out of her mind right now but she had to know. And why was her brain craving such answers when she should be running for the hills by now? She thought as she waited for his answer.

He walked towards her taking the coffee out of her hand and setting it down the counter that she stood by. He held both of her hands, against his chest now. She searched his face for the answer but it was blank.

"Vampire." She watched his eyes turn incredibly dark.

Why? Really? Whatever. This is a joke. She saw him roll his eyes.

"Think about it Taylor. I can read your mind. I can control your emotions. I move quicker than you can see. My oh so magical touch in your favor, of course. There's so many things I can do. I want to show you. I need to know that you are okay with this though."

"Vampire. Okay Mr. Vamp! Do you want to suck my blood?" She said it with the best Dracula accent she could give while laughing. But the look on his face was almost painful and her laughter stopped

"Taylor, you know the answer to that question. Do I want to suck your blood? Yes. Very much so. But I won't. I don't suck the blood from life. That is not how I choose or have chosen to live if you will."

He pushed her hands to his chest. "Feel me. I'm cold. I have no heartbeat. Come on Tay, your nurse you can put two and two together." He let go of her hands and walked away, back to the window.

"Sunlight. You're standing in sunlight. I thought…"

"What did you think? I would burn up in the flames or something? No that's just a myth. I very much enjoy the sunlight. As much of the movies and books have displayed me, I don't appear to be diamond made, I won't burn, I'm not going to turn into a pile of ash. I am just the same as you in that aspect."

"If you don't suck blood from the living how do you eat?" She still wasn't buying this, but she could play along for now. There had to be an explanation for the cold skin, no heartbeat, well she couldn't feel it through his chest anyway and his abilities. A lot of people have abilities and that didn't make them a vampire she thought.

Bing. Again she is interrupted by text.


What kind of conversation would be so bad to make you not thankful for you having incredible sex? It was incredible wasn’t it? Let me know something. Do I need to make a fake emergency phone call? Love you always!

P. S. How about destiny? As then it is our destiny to come as many times as we possibly can. LMAO



No emergency phone call needed at this time thank you. Will let you know all about it when I get home. Maybe a little longer than expected. TTYL love you back always


"Sorry. Where were we? Oh, yes vampire."