"Calm down. I'm so not leaving you hanging." He smiled and she knew what he meant and he definitely didn't leave her hanging in the least little bit. "It's not bad entirely."

"Entirely? Entirely!!! Tell me." Jesus, are you trying to give me a heart attack or just scared the shit out of me over and over tonight?

"She asked me if I had a brother. I told her yes. So I kind of have to introduce them. But it doesn't really matter because it was only a matter of time anyways."

That's it she thought. She looked at him puzzled as hell. She didn't understand why he seemed to think of that as a bad thing. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing. Is he a convict, married, gay, ugly, fat,? Come on I could go on forever here." She giggled feeling relief that it was nothing. Everyone had family members that embarrass them but come on. Really, this much anxiety was uncalled for her so she thought.

"If only you knew you wouldn't think it was uncalled for." His voice fell to a whisper. She watched his reaction. Did I irritate him?

"I'm not irritated, Sweet."

"Stop that. I told you, I can handle you reading my mind, I can even handle you controlling my emotions but damn, at least let my thoughts be just that thoughts. Even if you know."

His smiling was settled to her. "Agreed."

He rolled off to the side of her pulling her closely to him. She snuggled in to him. But she began to wonder why his body was so chilled when hers was on fire. She felt like she had been just engulfed by flames.

"If you’re too cold, I can move. I won't be upset."

"I said let my thoughts be them please." Damn men. Never listen.

His snicker was atmospheric changing itself. She still had questions, very weird questions but they could wait until morning. Her cheek rested on his chest and she was briefly aware that she couldn't hear his heart beating, but sleep graced her with its heavy presence.

Chapter Four

She woke stretching from the night of uninterrupted sleep. Sleep that she hadn't had in all the years since Chase and left her. She took a deep breath and turned over reaching for his pillow.

The feel of the sheets, the blanket, and the smell reminded her she wasn't at home. Her eyes opened, scanning the view. And then she remembered Damien. Definitely wasn't a dream she thought. She took the sheet under her arms raising up and looking around. The room was dark except for a small amount of light coming through the window.

She looked at her watch.11:20am. Oh Shit!

She stood quickly fishing out her cell from her purse and jumping back in bed covering herself the sheet.


Had an amazing night. Be home shortly. So sorry I didn't call you. I have so much to tell you. I'm sure your inquisitive mind is wanting to know. He's amazing, insatiable, has these amazing gifts that I would love to tell you about but you wouldn't believe me. I could keep going on and on forever but I won't. Both me and my inner Goddess thank you and love you!


"It's okay, I've called her, spoken with Liz and she said I could keep you forever and ever. I think I might have to take her up on that offer."

She what!


Furthermore, I am not anyone to keep permanently. Funny ha ha. I can't believe you talked to him before I did this morning.


"Sorry." He laughed. "I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see how long it would take you to text her again. She did however give me her number and I had to call her first thing this morning. I told her you were sleeping. She said to let you sleep as long as you wanted."

Oh. Your eyes! She looked at him waiting for her answer. He stared back at her. Waiting, mentally urging him to answer her question that she knew he'd heard. Again he only stared back at her.

"I have to know. Your eyes, they were, were red. Why, how, I don't,,,?"

"How about we start with coffee and we go from there."

She breathed out from his relaxing tone. "Okay. Coffee sounds wonderful."