"I can see why you wouldn't volunteer this about yourself. But why are you telling me? And what do you mean by people and anyone like me?" Taylor couldn't help but to wonder why anyone would tell someone that they just met all of this and she felt she needed to know why he felt he needed to tell her and should she be insulted by the like me phrase?

"Because I don't want to hide who I am around you. Your very special to me Taylor. Don't take it as an insult. You are a very good thing."

"Why?" Why would I be special and a good thing to a complete stranger? There isn't anything special or good about me. I'm just me.

"I can't answer that right now. I know you have questions, and I know what your questions are, but trust me in time you will have your answers, just not tonight. Let's just have a good night and not ask each other any more questions."

"Okay. What is it that you would like to do then, I mean we can’t exactly have the normal where you from, what do you do conversation after that so?" Well that just opened the door to a lot of possibilities. Taylor blushed at her brains intrusion once again.

Damien smiled big showing his celebrity perfect teeth. "Okay so some questions, just nothing about reading minds okay." Emphasis noted on some okay, got it.

"So what you do for a living? Oh wait," she couldn't help herself. "Are you a medium?" She laughed. On second thought, she had no reason to be laughing. Laughing hardly seemed appropriate now after finding out someone she was deeply attracted to could read her mind and feel what she was feeling at the same time as she did.

He laughed. She was glad he found that amusing. Her back and forth thinking and rambles. Not many people got her sense of humor at all. The fact that she had met someone who got her was a relief. Chase understood her. He had the same sense of humor that she did. What seemed like tearing hilarious to them made other people look at them like they were a fool.

Chase! What the hell am I doing?

"You're having fun. Something you haven't done in a long time. You're not doing anything wrong. Just hanging out, dancing, smiling, laughing, relaxing and acting alive."

She started to breathe heavy. Tears burned at her eyes again. She felt like she was betraying Chase. A constant reminder deep inside her of her wedding vows to him. Till death do they part. That was the problem. She wasn't ready for death to come and visit them. Their lives had only just begun and he had been taken from her. A part of her still belonged to him and probably always would.

So the problem was her mind and her heart had was if she was to start a relationship with someone else, Damien, not only would she feel as she was betraying Chase, but she would be betraying Damien as well because she could never give him her whole heart. Chase had taken a piece of it with him that would never be hers to give again.

"Taylor listen to me, I would never expect you to give his piece of your heart away. Those memories made you the person you are today. Some are good, some are great, some are terribly sad. I am grateful to Chase and will always be. He loved you, treated you as you deserved and took care of you when I couldn't be there. I know that the man in him would want you to move on and be happy."

Immediately she was angry and he knew it as he took a step back and put his hands up.

"How do you know what he would want? Can you talk to the dead as well? Can you ask him why he didn't fight harder? Can you ask him why he left us? Can you ask him what the hell I am supposed to do now? Well can you?

No you can't. The last time I checked, tombstones don't talk back! How dare you! You don't know me, you don't know my family, my kids. He left me alone, pregnant with twins. How dare he?" She stepped away from Damien giving herself the distance that she needed right now. "No I didn't think you could. You the whole medium thing was a joke, you had no right to go there with Chase!"

She was screaming at him. Now stepping towards him. Tears flooded her eyes, running down her cheeks. She was in a full-blown pissed off at the world stay, and she was taking it out on him. He continued stepping back with each step she took towards him.

"Taylor, please forgive me. I didn't mean to upset you like this. Let me help you now." And with a long stride towards her, his lips were on hers kissing her. She felt a tickle to her brain almost and then she got a taste of him and hastily became drunk on the feeling of his tongue moving in and out of her mouth, owning it, almost marking every inch of it as his.

Taking what he wanted. His lips softened against hers, as she no longer fought against him. She was drinking him in and praying he didn't stop. She wanted to feel more. And that's when she did.

Chapter Three

His mouth tenderly kissed from her lips to her jaw, slowly to her ear, and down her neck. His lips and tongue teased her in the exact places she wanted to feel him. From her neck to her clavicle, to her sternum, to her left breast.

He tugged at her nipple with his teeth through her clothes, sending a surge of pure pleasure to the apex between her legs. She felt herself gush bodily fluids into her panties and her body clench tight. His hands and mouth followed every demand her mind unknowingly made.

I pray this is what heaven is like and if it is take me there now.

His hands gripped her top and slowly pulled it up in over her head. Her breath hitched from the sudden force of her chest to his chest. His mouth back on hers demanding forcefully what he wanted now. And what he wanted and what she wanted, were the exact same thing.

For the first time her mind went blank and just felt what he was doing to her. She felt her body react further to him and it was completely and totally delicious. She thought about her insecurities and for a moment she thought that she should be nervous but as he stepped back and stared at her body she wasn't.

Strangely enough the longer he stared at her, the more she seen his eyes darkened, the sexier she felt.

His eyes locked with hers again. She realized that they had went black. Black and full of lust. In a blur he was pulling her body to his. Her body was full of uncontrolled feeling. She couldn't get a grip on them. Her hands reached for him filling his body. Gliding down his arms to his biceps feeling the muscular curves. Enjoying the feel of his sexy arms.

Down to his forearms and back up across his chest. She felt the muscles in his chest beneath his black T-shirt. She wanted to taste them there.

He pulled away from her smiling, gripping his shirt, he pulled it off dropping it to the floor. She fought to keep her jaw off the floor as she glared at his incredibly, deliciously sculpted body. Bodies like his were made to make mouth like hers water she thought. To put on a billboard somewhere for all lusting women to see.

Suddenly she felt as if she was suffering from a run of supra ventricular tachycardia, when he dropped to his knees in front of her and gripped the band of her skirt. His thumbs latched under the band and with his eyes burning right through her he slowly slid them down her legs, taking her panties with them. Thank God she had taken care of all of her grooming needs before leaving the house.