“Oh my God, where can I find a K for myself? I’m already in love and I haven’t even met the guy yet!”

Mia burst out laughing. “Hey, this one’s taken! And besides, wouldn’t Connor have something to say about his pregnant wife hooking up with an alien?”

“Connor would gladly give his pregnant wife to an alien right about now,” Marisa said, and Mia could hear the serious undertone in her voice. “I’m so moody these days that he’s slinking around the house like I might bite him. Which I might, at any moment. My emotions are beyond wacky. Don’t get pregnant, sis – it’s so not fun . . .”

Mia immediately sobered up. “Oh, Marisa, I’m so selfish. I haven’t even asked you how you’re feeling!”

“Well, I didn’t exactly give you a chance, did I? But yeah, I’m still feeling crappy. The nausea is just not going away. I lost another pound in the last week. The doctor doesn’t know what to do. I’ve been resting a lot, I tried yoga and meditation – none of it seems to work.”

“Oh Marisa . . .”

“Think your boyfriend could help with that?” her sister joked.

“I don’t know,” Mia said seriously. “Maybe. I’ll ask him. He’s not a doctor, but he might have access to one of their wonder drugs.”

“Oh, no, you don’t have to do that . . . I was just kidding –”

“Well, I’m not. I’ll ask him right now.”

“Mia, please, that’ll be embarrassing. I’m sure I’ll get over it in another few weeks . . .”

“Uh-huh,” Mia said. “By then you’ll be skin and bones, if you aren’t already. You don’t exactly have a ton of fat to spare.”

She could hear Marisa sighing with what sounded like exasperation. “Fine, you can ask, I guess. I just don’t want him to feel like we’re taking advantage of him –”

“Oh please, Korum offered the migraine cure to dad. I didn’t even know there was such a thing, much less that he brought it with him. Stop worrying, please – it’s not good for you right now.”

“Fine, fine . . .” Her sister sounded distracted all of a sudden. “Hold on, babe, I’m talking to Mia!”

“You have to go?” Mia guessed.

“Oh, it’s just Connor . . . We were supposed to go grocery shopping when mom called and then you . . .”

“Oh, well, go then. We’ll see each other tonight. I can’t wait!”

“Me too. Love you, baby sis! See you soon!”

“Love you too!” And hanging up the phone, Mia went to look for Korum.

She found him outside, swimming in the Olympic-sized infinity pool that apparently came with the property. He was gliding through the water like a shark, moving with unbelievable speed.

“Hi,” Mia called out, and then remembered the mysterious plans he had for her. Was it something sexual? Her breathing quickened at the thought. Telling herself to focus on Marisa, she decided to ask Korum about the medication right away, before he had a chance to implement whatever those plans were.

Swimming up to the edge of the pool, Korum lifted himself out effortlessly, using only his arms. His black hair was wet and slicked back against his skull, and water droplets glittered like tiny diamonds on his golden skin. He looked mouthwateringly sexy, and Mia swallowed, realizing yet again just how gorgeous her lover truly was. Walking toward the edge of the pool, she sat down on one of the lounge chairs conveniently placed there.

“Hi yourself,” he said, smiling at her warmly and sitting down on the chair next to her. He seemed to have forgotten about their earlier disagreement, and Mia smiled back at him, relieved.

It seemed like as good of a time as any to ask about Marisa. “Do you know anything about pregnant women?” she blurted out, and then flushed for some reason.

Korum’s eyebrows rose, and he looked amused. “I assume you’re talking about your sister?”

Mia nodded. “She’s having a difficult pregnancy. Really bad nausea and all. I was wondering if maybe you might have some anti-nausea medication or something that might settle her stomach . . .”

Korum considered it, looking thoughtful for a second. “I don’t have it with me, but I can probably get someone to bring it here. However, it would only be a temporary fix . . . If there’s something wrong that’s causing your sister to feel this way, the medicine wouldn’t do anything except mask the symptoms.”

“Oh, I see . . .”

“The best thing for your sister would probably be Ellet. I’ll ask her to swing by this week and examine Marisa –”