“Of course not! I’m not religious at all!”

“Then why are you seeing him?”

Mia sighed. “Look, Peter, that’s not really any of your business. He’s my boyfriend – that’s all you need to know. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that when we first met. I was just having a fun time at a girls’ night out. I really didn’t mean to mislead you in any way –”

“That’s bullshit,” said Peter vehemently. “A boyfriend – that’s a human guy, not some vicious alien who drags you out of the club like that.” He paused for a second and asked quietly, “Mia, is he forcing you to be with him?”

“What? Why would you think that?” Mia stared at him, wondering what would make him ask something like that.

He looked back at her, his brows furrowed in a frown. “You just don

’t seem like the type to seek out one of these monsters.”

“What type is that?” wondered Mia, genuinely curious to hear the answer.

He tugged at his ear in frustration. “Well, a lot of people in the entertainment industry actually . . . models, actresses, singers – they get bored and look for something to spice up their lives . . . They’re shallow, and many of them are stupid – all they see are the pretty faces and not the evil underneath –”

“Evil underneath?” asked Mia, surprised that he felt so strongly about the Krinar. Prior to her own close encounters with Korum, she’d had zero exposure to the invaders and no real opinion about them. Maybe Peter was religious himself and believed the claim that the Ks were demons?

He grimaced. “I’ve seen people disappear, Mia, when they get involved with these creatures. That, or end up really messed up at the end. It’s not natural for us – to be with their kind. It never ends well . . .”

Mia took a deep breath and said firmly, “Peter, look, I appreciate the concern, but there’s really no need in this case. I know what I’m doing. I’m neither shallow nor stupid –”

“I never said you were,” protested Peter.

“– and I don’t really appreciate you implying anything about my relationship. I’m with Korum because I want to be, and that’s all there’s to it.”

She sincerely hoped that was enough to get Peter to go away. The last thing she needed was a bumbling white knight trying to save her from the evil monster – a white knight who would definitely end up getting slain in the process. Maybe later, if she survived the next couple of weeks, she would apologize to Peter for being so harsh. She liked him, and it would be nice to become friends with him, particularly if her life ever got back to normal.

He looked slightly hurt. “Of course, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything. Obviously, you can be with whomever you choose. I just wanted to make sure you were all right, that’s all.”

Mia nodded and gave him a faint smile. “I understand. Thanks again for stopping by.” Reaching into her bag, she pulled out the laptop and a couple of books.

Peter immediately got the hint. “Sure. I’ll see you around, okay?” he said, and walked out of the room. Mia heard him talking to Jessie and Edgar for a minute, and then he was gone, the front door closing decisively behind him.

Mia plopped down on her bed with relief. How had it happened that a cute guy – with whom she actually had a decent connection – had come along at such a wrong time in her life? Had she met him two months ago, she had no doubt that she would have been ecstatic to have him pay attention to her like that – but it was too late now.

Like those people he knew, she would likely end up messed up in the end – either that or dead at the hands of her alien lover.

Chapter 19

Shortly after Peter left, Edgar departed as well. Mia heard them kissing and giggling by the door, and then there was silence. Almost immediately afterwards, Jessie came into her room.

“So,” said Mia, smiling at her roommate, “I take it things are going well with Edgar?”

Jessie gave her a huge grin. “They are going very well. He’s just so nice, and so fun, and so cute . . .”

Mia laughed and said, “I’m glad for you. You deserve a good guy like that.”

“That I do,” said Jessie without any false modesty, still grinning. And then her expression abruptly became serious. “And so do you, Mia –”

Uh-oh, thought Mia. Here comes the lecture.

“– and you’re clearly not getting it.”

“Jessie, please, let’s not beat a dead horse –”

“A dead horse? I’d like to beat up a certain K!” Jessie took a deep breath, clearly riled on Mia’s behalf. “Peter is such a nice guy, and he seems to really like you – to come all the way here like this after everything that happened . . . and you’re stuck with that monster!”