Page 56 of No Strings

“Emma—” He stopped. He’d almost ruined their game, calling her by name. She was quick to intervene, shushing him with a single flick of her fingertip.

“No names, remember?”

“Right. I forgot.” Emma had outdone herself this time, Xavier thought. The makeup, the wig...she looked like a different person. It thrilled him, the naughty game they played.

Emma slipped her hand in her purse and then retrieved a key card for a hotel room somewhere above them. She slapped it on the bar.

“Let’s go upstairs,” she murmured, voice low. “I’ve got a room.”

“I don’t usually do this,” Xavier said, getting into the role, looking uneasy as he unbuttoned the top collar of his shirt.

“There’s a first time for everything,” she said. “That card is for you. I’ll be waiting for you upstairs.”

Emma slid off the stool, giving her red wig a pat with one hand, as she swayed her hips on her way to the elevator. Xavier would take her hard there, like he would a stranger, reliving the thrill of it all. He thought of the last year, of how he’d had Emma in so many ways, the hours they’d spent cuddling, getting to know one another, and now...the role play. They both worked together to find creative new ways to keep their sex sizzling. She truly was the perfect woman for him. He couldn’t imagine sharing his life with another.

He slapped cash on the bar for the bartender and then slipped off his stool. Eager to join his “new” lover.

“You’re a lucky man,” the bartender told him, having overheard it all.

“You have no idea,” Xavier said as he snatched the key card off the bar.

* * * * *