Page 71 of The Big Break


THE KISS STARTED SLOWLY, a warm dance of her lips on his, but it didn’t take long in the shadowy dark of her living room for it to grow into something more. Jun’s carefully crafted restraint, the willpower she’d used to deny her body this little pleasure, suddenly exploded into tiny shards, and what was left was a desire so powerful it shocked her. She pushed Kai further, and he responded. Hungrily, she devoured his mouth, and in seconds, Kai’s hands roamed up her back. Before she realized it, they were horizontal on the couch, her on top of him, her body pressed to his, feeling the hard length of him pushing against her thigh. What was she doing? Her mind screamed, but her body didn’t care. Nothing mattered but tasting Kai, feeling his tongue in her mouth and his hands on her body.

This time wasn’t anything like the beach, when Kai had been the aggressor. Now it was her turn. Passion she’d thought long dead rose up in her, and her body felt hot and cold all at once, Kai’s hands like fire on her hips as he held her tightly. She felt herself grind against him, her body taking over, her mind long gone as instinct and animal lust drove her. She’d always thought her abstention from sex proved she didn’t need it, but in this moment, she realized just how much she did.

Kai’s hands slipped into the waistband of her yoga pants, sliding downward across her bare bottom, and he groaned in her mouth as he kneaded her well-formed muscles. She arched her back, pushing herself into his hands, not wanting them to stop. Her body felt like a river of fire, and despite the fact she could run three miles and not break a sweat, right here, with Kai, she couldn’t catch her breath. It came ragged as she broke free of Kai’s mouth. He trailed kisses down her neck, each one a tingling blaze of passion, and she groaned, the heat growing between her legs. It had been so long, so long since she’d felt this that it all seemed new and yet hauntingly familiar.

In the dark, she could pretend it was all okay. That there’d be no consequences. For once, she didn’t want to think about tomorrow. Didn’t want to think about anything but releasing this tension inside her. She wanted Kai. Wanted this. Her mind reverted to a toddler’s: all id and no ego.

“Jun...” Kai growled in her ear. “So damn beautiful...”

His words felt like honey across her skin, doubling her desire. She found his mouth again, and she nearly came right then, her body all welled up and ready. She felt as though if he simply touched her there, she’d explode. His hands tugged at her pants, and she helped him push them down. She didn’t think about how she was on her couch out in the living room, Po just in the next room. She didn’t want to think about anything but the feel of his skin beneath her hands.

“Wait,” Kai said, panting.

“What’s wrong?” Jun asked, suddenly worried this all would stop.

“The rules,” Kai said, a touch of humor in his voice.

“Screw the rules,” Jun said, and grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling him to her for another kiss.

Kai picked her up then. She wore just her shirt and underwear as he carried her to her bedroom, bouncing into a wall or two on the way.

“Ow,” Jun protested.

“Sorry,” he murmured into her mouth as he ducked into her bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. Lightning flashed again, illuminating the room, and Jun saw Kai taking off his shirt, saw his amazing chest, the chiseled muscles smooth and taut and hard. She shrugged out of her own shirt. Her body ached for this, for Kai.

Her hands were at his waistband. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, and the dark, the storm, somehow made it all okay.

She thought about Po’s father. About him clutching at her in his dim hotel room, about him telling her it would be okay if they didn’t use protection. He’d just pull out. He’d never gotten anyone pregnant before. She’d believed him. She’d trusted him. And look what had happened.

Kai released her mouth long enough to run kisses down her throat.

“I... I...I’m not on the pill.” Why would she be? Jun never planned on having sex, and that was forty dollars a month she could use for something else, like groceries or toys for Po.