Page 34 of The Big Break

“No sex? For four months? That’ eternity.” Kai, exasperated, began to pace the kitchen anxiously, as if she’d just asked him to give up air for a week.

“Four months isn’t so long.” She hadn’t had sex since that brief fling when Po was about two, before she decided being a mom of a toddler and dating were just too hard to combine. At the time, her boyfriend hadn’t understood why she’d drop everything for Po but not for him, and in the end, jealousy over the time and attention she spent on her son sank the relationship. That was fine by Jun. She had enough complications in her life without worrying about how to fit a man into the picture.

“Four months is...forever. I haven’t even gone four weeks without.” Kai considered this a moment, thoughtful. “Maybe, actually, four days.”

“Please,” Jun exclaimed, suddenly feeling woefully inadequate in the hooking-up department. What would he think if he knew the only thing she’d been up close and personal with in nearly two years was a vibrator?

“You spent a lot of energy chasing after...that.” Jun was hoping to keep her voice calm, but it came out sounding shrill.

“Hey, women come on to me. I’m just being nice. Showing them the hospitality of the islands.”

Jun scoffed. “Right. Nothing in it for you.”

“Of course there’s something in it for me.” Kai took a step closer, and Jun was suddenly aware of the wide swatch of bare chest in front of her. If he got closer, her brain might start malfunctioning. He gave her a lazy grin. “I believe in mutual satisfaction.”

Kai’s meaning was clear, and for some reason it caused Jun to flush. The temperature in the room instantaneously ticked up about ten degrees. Kai’s impeccably formed chest was now so close to her that all Jun had to do was reach out to touch those washboard abs. She had to curl her fingers up, pressing her nails in her palms, to stop from doing so. Focus, Jun. She shifted away from him uncomfortably.

“We...uh, need to focus,” she murmured, not meeting his eye. “And training means you don’t get to give out your number to every redhead who asks.”

“Redhead?” Kai looked puzzled.

“Someone had a good time last night. She was trying to reach you this morning.” Jun looked toward Kai’s phone.

“You were snooping?” Kai’s face was unreadable as he picked up his phone.

“I’m sorry. I overstepped.” Jun awkwardly shifted her weight between her feet, losing all the fire in her argument. “I mean, I didn’t snoop. I just happened to be there when the text came in.”

“That’s snooping,” Kai said, eyebrows raised.

Why was it that just when she thought she had the upper hand with Kai, he managed to shift the balance of power? Yin and yang, female and male, were supposed to work in harmony, equal but opposite forces keeping the universe in balance. But why did she feel as if he had all the power and she had none?

“Snooping is...wrong. I wasn’t snooping. I just...”

“Apology accepted,” Kai said, waving his hand. The high-and-mighty way he said it grated on Jun’s nerves a bit.

“The no-sex rule is the most important,” she said, trying to turn the conversation back to steadier ground. “You need to focus if you’re going to be ready to compete. Your friends, like the one texting you, are distracting you.”

Kai laughed. “You did read a text on my phone. That’s snooping.”

Jun let out an exasperated sigh.

Kai studied her for a beat.

“You’re jealous.”

“I’m not,” she exclaimed, even as her heart pounded in her chest and all the blood rushed to her face. She felt as though someone had told her the clothes she wore were actually transparent. She wasn’t jealous, though. Was she? “I just notice that you fall into bed with anyone. You don’t even have the decency to have a type.”

“I do have a type, as a matter of fact,” Kai growled, voice low. He moved closer and his shoulders seemed to take up the rest of the space in the kitchen. Jun sucked in a breath and held it. She felt rooted in place. Jun could focus on nothing but Kai as he held her gaze. When he stepped even closer, there was hardly room to slip a piece of paper between them.