Page 27 of The Big Break

“Did you and Dallas get engaged?” Jun asked.

“Yes,” Allie said, beaming, and then added, “So nice of you to come!”

“Thank you for having us. This is for you.” Jun handed her the gift bag, and Allie surprised her by taking it and then wrapping her in a warm hug. She already felt as though she were part of a little family. It had been just her and her sister and Po for so long, she’d kind of forgotten what that was like. “We did. Dallas even managed a romantic proposal.”

Dallas rolled his eyes. “The things men do for love.”

“I still can’t believe you’re going through with it,” Kai declared. “You? Settle down? The stars must be out of alignment.”

“You should try it,” Allie said as Dallas slipped an arm around her small waist. “You might like it.” Allie turned her attention to Po as she knelt down by him. “Po! Is that you? I hardly recognized you, you’ve grown so much!”

Po stood a little taller, proud to be bigger. “I’m four!” he declared.

“I see that,” Allie said. “I’ve got something that I think you’ll like. Do you think your mom will let you have one of these before dinner?” She reached into her pocket and drew out a small wrapped piece of mango candy.

Jun thought about saying no. But one little piece wouldn’t kill him. And she was touched Allie remembered it was Po’s favorite. “Okay, but tell Miss Allie thank-you.”

“Thank you!” Po almost shouted as he grabbed the candy and immediately began tearing into the wrapper.

“Is that Kai? He owes me twenty bucks.” A petite brunette walked out of the house then.

“Hey, sis,” Kai said, and pulled the woman into a hug. Jesse, Jun assumed. She didn’t know what she’d been imagining, but this no-holds barred woman wasn’t it. Somehow Jun liked her instantly.

Jesse pulled back from her brother and smiled. “You said the customers at Hula Coffee would hate the new coconut latte, but they love it, so pay up. It’s becoming the most popular drink on the menu.” Jesse held out her palm and Kai reluctantly dug out his wallet, pulled out a twenty and slapped it on her hand.

“Okay, okay, fine. You win.”

Jesse glanced over at Jun. “Where are my manners! I’m Jesse, Kai’s sister. You must be Jun. I’ve heard so much about you.” Jesse held out her hand and Jun shook it. Kai had talked about her? But he hardly knew her. “And Po! I heard you like Spider-Man.”

The boy, mouth full of sticky candy, nodded and mumbled, “Mrghf!”

“I think he’s saying that’s his favorite,” Jun translated, and the others laughed.

An older woman wearing a pink muumuu over her ample frame poked her head out of the front door, her silver-streaked black hair up in a large bun. “I hear a big racket out here!”

The others laughed and then Kai turned to introduce Jun and Po.

“This is Aunt Kaimana,” he said, and it was then Jun remembered Kaimana from the day at the hospital when she’d visited Kai. She did have a distant memory of meeting this woman, a warm grandmotherly presence, who had been visiting the same day. Now that Jun got a good look at her, she could see some family resemblance. Kai’s aunt had the same warm brown eyes, with just a hint of mischief in them, as if she were sitting on a very good joke.

“Oh, yes, Ms. Mahi...”

“Ms. Mahi’ai, but you can call me Kaimana. Everyone does.”

“Kaimana,” Jun said, and it felt right.

“Kai! When will you fix my cabinet hinge? My doors are falling off!” Kaimana teased Kai, who shrugged.

“Tomorrow, okay? I’ll do it tomorrow!”

“This must be Po,” Kaimana continued, ignored her nephew’s promise. She knelt down so she was almost eye to eye with Po, who blinked at the older woman.

Kaimana studied the boy for a beat.

“Po, you look hungry,” Kaimana said. “Why not come in and eat some real food!”

“I’m starving!” Po managed after swallowing his candy. Jun liked how Kaimana warmed to the boy at once, and how Po responded in kind. Her gut told her Kaimana would be a great babysitter. One hurdle down. She wasn’t sure if she felt disappointed or glad.