Page 91 of The Big Break

He watched Jun appraise the property, gazing at the modern stainless-steel kitchen and the hardly lived-in living room. She twisted her hands together.

“I came here, angry...” she began.

“Because of the check,” Kai said, remembering the note he left.

She nodded.

“But now...” she hesitated, and in that moment, she looked so beautiful. He moved closer, and he wobbled a little. Jun was there, rushing to his elbow, helping to steady him.

“I’m not made of glass,” Kai snapped, annoyed.

“Just because you keep saying that, doesn’t make it true,” Jun said, her arm entwined in his. “I almost lost you out there.”

Kai realized tears had sprung to her eyes. “Are you crying?” Kai hadn’t expected that. The shock of seeing how much she cared about him floored him.

The pain in her eyes was real, as was the fear in her voice. Kai suddenly understood that all the pushing away she’d been doing was just a ruse: she cared for him. She cared for him more deeply than she’d ever let on. The knowledge felt like lightning in his blood.

He felt a surge of emotion inside his chest then—the frustration of the day, the fact he’d nearly died and the stubbornness of Jun, who loved him but wouldn’t admit it. He wasn’t a weakling; he was a survivor. And in that moment, all he wanted to do was prove to her he was still a man.

He reached out and pulled her to him, his mouth covering hers even as she gave a squeak of surprise. It didn’t take her long to respond, ferociously matching his passion, and he could almost taste her own relief. She’d been worried about him, too, and now that they had a quiet moment together, he wasn’t about to waste it. He knew, on some level, he was doing what he always did: postponing hard questions for the morning after, distracting himself with the body of a beautiful woman.

And yet part of him knew this felt different somehow. As he kissed her, pushing her up onto the counter and furiously pulling up the hem of her thin sundress so he could feel her smooth thighs, he knew this wasn’t just a way of losing himself. As he leaned back to look at her beautiful face, he realized this time he desperately wanted to find himself. He wasn’t running away from something. For the first time in his life, he was running to something. To Jun.

“Kai...I...” Jun gasped. “I...”

“You want me to stop?” Kai’s heart was thudding, his whole body on fire. He wanted her in a way that frightened him, in a way he hadn’t wanted anyone for a long while.

“No,” Jun said, voice ragged. “I don’t want you to stop.” She pulled him in closer for another kiss, sending Kai’s head spinning. Seconds later, he was the one who broke free. He didn’t want this to be rushed on the kitchen counter. He wanted to explore every nook and crevice of her body, to catalog every freckle, every mole. He wanted to savor her and take his time. Kai wanted to show her exactly how this was different from casual. He wanted to show her just how serious he could be. Kai tugged her down from the counter and led her by the hand up the open staircase to the master suite above, his huge king-size bed carved out of coffee-colored wood taking up half of the immense room. Jun barely took it in before she tangled her hands in his hair, pushing him backward on the bed. Now she became the aggressor, yanking at his shirt and his shorts, eager to get them off. Naked, he stood before her, his desire obvious as he grabbed her arms and twisted her body to his. They collapsed on the bed, Kai on top because he had every intention of slowing this down. He planned to enjoy it. He also planned to torture her with pleasure, from the tops of her ears to the tips of her toes. He gently, teasingly, pulled up her sundress, lifting it off her body and over her head. He caressed her inner thigh, enjoying the soft smoothness. She sighed, a high-pitched whine as he slipped his fingers into the elastic of her delicate lace underwear. He found her moist and swollen and ready.

“Kai,” she murmured, eyes dilated and round as she arched her back up to meet his touch.

Kai barely heard, and he barely cared. He tenderly laid a trail of kisses along her stomach until he got to her front-closing bra. In seconds, he’d unhooked the clasp and freed her, her breasts spilling out, nipples hard. He licked one and then the other, and she arched her back again, moaning.