Page 29 of The Big Break

“I didn’t...” Kai protested.

“Oh, you did, all right,” Allie said, leaning into the kitchen from the dining room. “I remember that. Bent the front fender and everything.”

“See?” Jesse said, triumphant as she waved the wooden spoon in Kai’s face. “You definitely don’t want to work for this man.”

“Jesse! You’re not helping!” Kai threw his arms up in mock frustration. “You’re supposed to convince her to take the job.”

“Run! Get out while you still can!” Jesse stage-whispered, which made Jun laugh. She found herself liking everyone, and who wouldn’t? The warmth and love seemed evident everywhere she turned. She remembered her own strict upbringing, her mother’s perpetually sour face and an overwhelming feeling that she was always doing something wrong. This house was full of joy and laughter, and she liked it. Maybe a little too much.

“Steaks are ready!” Dallas called as he brought in a plateful of seared monsters. “I hope you’re hungry,” he told Jun, who couldn’t help but stare at the two-inch-thick steaks. Kai had been right: he’d made too many. Yet they smelled delicious.

Soon enough they were all seated around a big farmhouse table, happily eating and chatting. The lively buzz of conversation and good food warmed Jun, made her feel as if she belonged. Even Po cheerfully gobbled up some of his fruit and vegetables, which normally required a nightly fight. She nodded at him and he grinned back, mouth full of mango.

“So, Jun, are you single?” Kaimana asked out of the blue, causing conversation to screech to a halt.

“Auntie!” Jesse exclaimed.

“You don’t have to answer that,” Kai said.

“Uh...” Jun glanced at Po, worried about having to explain what single meant, but the little boy didn’t seem to notice the conversation at all. If it wasn’t about Spider-Man, he wasn’t interested. “Yes, I am.”

“Auntie,” Kai groaned. “You know if these were interview questions, you could be sued for harassment.”

Auntie waved her hand as if she didn’t care. “I am just getting to know her! Woman-to-woman.”

“And the whole dinner table,” Kai pointed out. Jun laughed.

“Okay, so you want to talk about your personal life, then?” Kaimana challenged.

Jun was relieved to have the spotlight off her but also dreaded what a talk about Kai’s personal life might dredge up. She worriedly glanced at Po again. She didn’t think he needed to find out the meaning of random hookup just yet.

“What personal life?” Jesse said. “All the women he dates put it on Instagram.” Jun got the reference immediately. She guessed she wasn’t the only one who saw Kai with women.

Kai suddenly flushed. “Did you see...?”

“The hot-tub picture?” Allie said, and Jesse laughed.

“Everyone’s seen that,” Jesse added. Jun didn’t know where to look. “Right, Jun?”

“Well...” Jun felt uncomfortable.

Kai turned to Jun, most likely, she thought, remembering how she’d seen those two women at his house. Now he blushed fiercely, which somehow made Jun like him more. He was actually embarrassed. This, she had not expected. Why would an unapologetic player be...uncomfortable about his exploits?

“Nice work, man,” Dallas said, and clapped his friend on the shoulder.

“Hey! You better not think that’s nice work,” Allie said, waving a fork threateningly in Dallas’s direction. Dallas put his hands up in surrender.

“I was being sarcastic,” Dallas protested.

Jesse fixed Kai with a look. “You’ve really been the talk of the island lately. That picture is only the least of it, from what I heard.”

The Big Island was the biggest in Hawaii’s chain, yet gossip still traveled faster than lightning. Among the locals, secrets were never safe.

“You’ve officially surpassed my record for Island’s Biggest Tourist Magnet,” Dallas said. “Congratulations.”

“If you don’t watch it, you’re going to end up as a stop on a bus tour,” Allie teased.

“I’m not that bad,” Kai protested.