Page 95 of To Catch a Thief

“You, too.” She hung up. “Ella sends her best.”

“Who’s Ella?” Mamá asked.

“My roommate from Nashville and my accompanist.”

“Oh, yes.” But Mamá’s eyebrows were smashed together.

Carolina’s heart ached. Her mother was losing her memory. Would there come a day when Mamá wouldn’t recognize her?

They made it to Savannah and headed into the historic district, Sage still behind her. She found a parking spot in the almost full lot.

“We’re here.” She threw the car into Park.

Sage carried up the cooler and bags. Carolina put her arm around Mamá to protect her from the buffeting wind.

“This isn’t the B and B.” Mamá frowned, her head twisting around as Carolina unlocked the apartment door.

“Sure it is, Mamá.” She pointed down the steps. “There’s the restaurant you saw me sing in.”

“I did?”

“Yes,” she choked out.

Inside, Mamá shed her dripping coat. “It’s not very nice here.”

Carolina ad-libbed. “This is a family unit.”

“If I owned the B and B, I’d only cater to couples. So much nicer.” Mamá looked around at the furniture. “A child could live here.”

And had.

“How are you feeling?” Carolina asked.

Mamá sighed. “Tired.”

Carolina led her to the bedroom. “Why don’t you put your feet up?”

She closed the door and collapsed against the wood. Every muscle ached.

Sage set her mother’s case in the hall. Quietly he said, “If you give me your keys, I’ll empty your car.”


He shook his head.

She didn’t finish her sentence. Instead she handed Sage her keys. Then emptied the cooler and food bags.

“Do you want your bags in the second bedroom?” he asked from the kitchen doorway.

“Yes.” She kept herself from adding, “Thanks.” But it was hard.

“The rain is tapering off—for now.” He headed for the steps. “There’s another box I packed.”

What had he packed? She finished in the kitchen, wondering if she needed to get more water and milk, but since she’d shopped yesterday, they should have enough. Besides, her credit card was maxed out. She’d paid off one of her mother’s credit cards last week. Now she wished she’d waited. Who knew when she would have another paycheck?

She flipped on the television, turned down the volume and found the weather channel.

Sage’s footsteps sounded on the stairs. What a difference these last weeks had made. When he’d first walked up the steps after his injury, his steps had been slow and uncertain. Now they were firm and fast. He’d recovered.

She held the door open.

He set a box near the closet. “I found all the flashlights and batteries I could in the garage and house.”

“I didn’t even think about flashlights. Th—”

He pressed a finger to her lips. “Stop.”

“How can I? You’ve been a godsend.”

“You needed help.” He stroked his thumb on her top lip. Heat ignited the gold flecks in his eyes.

She leaned into him. Couldn’t stop herself. This was comfort. This was love.

“Damn it.” His hand slid around to the nape of her neck. His fingers massaged and dug into her hair. His gaze dipped to her lips.

She held her breath, but couldn’t stop her tongue from sneaking out and licking her upper lip.

“We shouldn’t,” Sage groaned. But he dipped his head and kissed her.

She clutched his shoulders, afraid he would shove her away.

He hummed against her mouth and his tongue slid against hers.

She trembled. It was like she’d been in a desert and he was an oasis of cool water. He tugged her close and it was familiar but different. His muscles were harder. His arms stronger. He cupped her butt and pulled her closer until they touched everywhere.

She didn’t want the kiss to end.

He gasped, setting his forehead on hers. “Damn. I’m sorry. That…that won’t happen again. It was…it won’t happen again.”


Ice replaced the heat in his eyes, making her shiver.

“I have to…” He shook his head. “I have to get to work. I told them I’d be in this afternoon.”

He pushed away from her.


He shook his head and, if the door had been more than a few steps away, he probably would have run.

“Wait.” She had to stand up for herself. She had to take control of her life. “Please don’t kiss me again. I… I deserve better. I deserve respect and you don’t respect me.”