Page 50 of To Catch a Thief

He turned her to face him, wanting to see her eyes. “Don’t lie to me.”

Tears made her blue eyes swim like the sea. “I… Couldn’t you see how much of a family they were?”

“Ye-es.” He drew the word out, not understanding why she was upset.

“You wouldn’t understand.” She chewed her lip.

If this was a suspect he was interrogating, he’d assume she was thinking up a lie. But this was Carolina. He cupped her face. “Help me understand.”

“They have each other. The sisters. They’ve always had each other.”

This was about her mother—and her. “And you only have your mother.”

She nodded. A single tear slid down her cheek, ripping a steer-size hole in his heart. Her mother was dying.

“You aren’t alone,” he whispered. “You have me.”

He kissed the tears streaming down her face away. Kissed each eye. Kissed her salty lips. “Carolina, you have me.”

Her mouth sought his. Their breaths heaved together and comfort turned to passion.

He toed off his shoes, his mouth never leaving hers. Twisting and turning, never pulling apart, they stumbled down the hall and collapsed on her bed.

“Please, Sage.” She tugged on his shirt as he unknotted her sundress.

Her nipples tightened as he brushed his palm over them. He took her breast in his mouth and her hips rose. Each trail of his tongue had goose bumps popping up on her body. He kissed his way to her hips, tugging aside fabric and dress until she was laid out on the bed, a banquet, just for him.

Her breasts heaved up and down. She held up her arms. “I need you.”

She needed him. The words filled him with joy as only Carolina could. He wasn’t falling in love with Carolina, he loved her. The big L.

Sage ripped off his shirt and shorts, wanting to feel her skin on his. His heart pounded harder than if he’d ridden a bucking bronc for the mandatory eight seconds. He couldn’t refuse her, she made him spiral out of control. He grabbed a condom and rolled it on, settling into the cradle of her body.

“I’m here for you.” He nudged into her body, surprised at how easily they slid together. He wanted to remember this night. This sensation. The first time he truly made love to Carolina. “I love you.”

Her eyes went wide. And her cute mouth hung open. Her hips jerked, seating him deeper.

He circled his pelvis, rubbing against her tight bundle of nerves and watching her face.

“Sage!” Her body clutched his. She stared into his eyes, her hips rocking.

The waves of her orgasm started, squeezing, trying to force him to lose control.

No. He held on. Waited. His breath rose and fell, synchronized with hers.

She dug her fingers into his butt. “Move.”

He did. Short, small strokes. He wanted her to repeat the words. Wanted her to reciprocate his love.

But talking in full sentences was impossible. Groans and moans echoed in the moonlit room. One-word directions in this land of pleasure.

“Yes,” she gasped. “Oo-oh.”

He wanted to hold on, but her next orgasm took him over. He pumped deep, swearing he touched her soul.

Joy. Power. Pain. Ecstasy. And love. They filled him as their breaths heaved in and out. With her, he would be whole. With her, he could do anything.

Collapsing, she hugged him to her damp body. He nuzzled into her hair, needing to stay connected.

“I love you, too,” she whispered.

And the surge of joy blinded him like a flash-bang grenade. He held her tight. With Carolina by his side, he could be a man that would make his family proud.


SAGE WOKE SMILING. He reached for Carolina, but there was only empty bed. Damn. He’d wanted to wake her. Instead, he smelled coffee. He could grab a cup and head home and try his modified workout. Then maybe Carolina would be up for lunch and dinner.

Shoot. She closed tonight.

Stretching, he rolled his head, testing his pain level. Nothing speared behind the eyes.

Maybe falling in love was the cure for what ailed him. He swung his legs to the floor, this time grinning. If he could just return to work, the world would be right. He’d get back to his life’s mission.

As he exited the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, his phone rang. “Hey, Jackson, are you still saving the world?”

“One fire at a time. Although right now, we’re fighting grass fires.”

“Is the ranch in danger?” Here he’d been thinking about his own recovery and Carolina’s mother and hadn’t thought about his family.

Carolina poured a mug of coffee and handed it to him. He brushed a kiss on the top of her head and wrapped an arm around her, keeping her by his side.

“Nothing near the ranch. We’ve been lucky. Lightning’s been setting off the prairies. What we need is a good soaker.”