Page 37 of To Catch a Thief

“I’d love to head back upstairs.” She caught both his hands. “But I need to see my mom.”

“I know.” And he was a little relieved. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could pretend he was normal. “Where would you like to eat?”

“Would here be all right?” Her deep blue eyes stared into his.

“Great.” He held her hand and they headed to the patio. “Since it’s not too hot, do you want to sit outside?”

“That would be nice.” She gave him a shy smile. “It wouldn’t feel like I’m working. Thanks.”

And he felt ten feet tall. He squeezed her fingers. There was an unfamiliar redhead at the hostess station. He mimed that they were going to sit on the patio and guided Carolina to a chair shaded by an umbrella. “Does this work?”

“Perfect.” She sat.

The hostess came over with menus and silverware. “Welcome to Southern Comforts.”

“Thanks.” Sage took a seat.

Carolina stared at the woman, her dark eyebrows forming a line. “Do I know you?”

The woman laughed. “I’m not sure. I’m Dolley Fitzgerald.”

Carolina’s hands gripped the edge of the table.

Sage leaned forward. “Carolina—?”

“You’re Abby’s sister,” Carolina interrupted.

“You got it in one.” Dolley tipped her head. “You look familiar, too.”

“I work as a bartender. For your sister. Part-time.” The words fired out like a semiautomatic rifle.

“You’re the new singer?” Dolley leaned down at the table.

Singer? Sage straightened.

“I… I guess I am.” She bit her lip. “I’m Carolina Castillo.”

“Great name. Abby was talking about you. No, make that raving about you. I think that’s how she talked me into filling in for the hostess.” Dolley grinned. “I can’t wait to hear you sing.”

“Thanks.” Carolina nodded. “Did something happen to Karen?”

“She had an appointment that ran late. And no one knows how to get people to do their bidding like Abby.” Dolley shrugged, making red curls dance around her face. “I should know not to ask her questions in person.”

“What?” Carolina asked.

“Family joke. I’ll let you enjoy your lunch. Your server will be Kylie.” Dolley stared at Carolina, shaking her head. “I’ve got it. You look a little like my cousin—on my dad’s side. Dana Oliver. Are you related?”

Carolina’s mouth dropped open. “Not that I know of.”

“I think it’s your eyes.” Dolley shrugged. “Enjoy your lunch.”

Dolley walked back into the restaurant and Carolina stared after her.

“What’s wrong?” Sage asked.

Carolina waved a hand and finally said, “It was…she called me the singer.”

Sage didn’t believe her. Carolina had gripped the edge of the table like it was a lifeline. “Before that.”

“Abby heard me singing in the bar while I was cleaning.” Carolina glanced over at the hostess station. “She wants me to sing here.”

“That’s wonderful.” Sage picked up her hand but had to uncurl her fingers before he could hold it. “But why are you upset?”


“Your hands are clenched. You looked at Dolley like she was a ghost.” He squeezed her fingers, hoping she would confide in him. “What happened?”

“You’re really observant.” She squeezed his fingers. “What did the doctor say?”

She was changing the subject. “No improvement.”

“I’m sorry.” She stroked his cheek.

Kylie introduced herself, gave them water and recited the lunch specials.

Carolina discussed lunch options, asking what he was going to have, debating aloud what would be good for lunch.

And never answered his question.

His curiosity was piqued. Carolina had looked…scared. That was the right word. He asked, “How’s your mother?”

“Still having seizures. They haven’t been able to get her medication to stop them.” She twisted one of her curls. “Even small things set her off—getting upset, not liking the food, not liking the nurses.”

“I’m sorry.”

Her tension could be from worrying about her mother. She was under so much stress. And he was selfishly focused on his own problems. He should be helping her. “Would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight?”

The wrinkle disappeared between her brows. “Yes.”

He leaned in. “Maybe you could plan to spend the night.”

“I’d like that even better.”