Page 32 of To Catch a Thief

“I don’t want you falling,” she muttered.

“I…” He heaved out a breath and stopped. “I hate needing help.”

“Then think of it as me wanting to touch you,” she blurted out.

He cupped her cheek and kissed her. “I can deal with that.”

She wanted to lean into the kiss, but what if they tumbled down the steps? She pulled away from his addictive mouth. “Let’s get up these stairs and inside.”

They wrapped their arms around each other.

“I like this compromise.” He squeezed her waist.

At the landing, she handed him the brownies. As she bent over the lock, he kissed the back of her neck and ran his teeth along her ear. Shivers raced down her back and straight to her core. The keys slipped out of her hands.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice low and sexy.

“Good. Good.” But she couldn’t draw a full breath. Her hands shook as she searched for her key ring. Was she in over her head? She wasn’t even sure what she wanted to happen tonight.

He stroked her back and another set of shivers ran through her body. “Something wrong?”

“Just…my key.” She mumbled and jammed it into the lock.

He followed her into the apartment. She set her tote next to the door and flipped on the lights.

“This is nice.” Sage wandered into the living room. “The owner’s just letting you use the place?”

“Abby’s…great,” Carolina admitted. “Sit. I’ll grab forks and we can eat in here.”

She washed her hands in the kitchen, slathering on lotion. Leaning against the counter, she drew in a couple of deep breaths. She shouldn’t be this nervous. It was Sage. A man she loved to kiss enough that she’d placed a fresh box of condoms in the drawer next to the bed.

Could Sage sense they were there?

“Need help?” he called.

“I’m good.”

She grabbed forks. Then went back for napkins. What about something to drink? She pulled open the fridge. Only milk. Lame. She poured small glasses and placed everything on a tray.

“I thought you’d fallen asleep in there.” Sage smiled.

She settled close enough to feel the heat of his body and catch his delicious scent. Her mouth watered, and not for the dessert in front of them.

He flipped open the box and grinned. A dimple blinked beside his mouth. “There’s ice cream, too.”

Her insides melted. She loved his dimples.

She wanted to be smart, to eat the dessert and send him away.

“We’ll need spoons.” She launched herself off the sofa like it was an ejector seat and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a pair of spoons.

“This is incredible,” he mumbled around a forkful of brownie.

She sat next to him.

He held up a fork loaded with chocolate and vanilla-bean ice cream. “Here.”

Her lips opened and he shoved in the delicious mess. She slapped her hand over her mouth so nothing dribbled out. “Mmm.”

“Right?” He ate, then fed her again.

Apparently she’d only needed one set of silverware.

His green eyes twinkled. “Open wide.”

This time it was an even bigger bite. “Wait—”

He grinned and shoved the fork in her mouth.

She chewed the cool sweetness covered in warm caramel.

“You’ve got caramel…” His tongue touched the edge of her mouth, sending a pulse of lust to her core.

She choked as she swallowed.

“You okay?” He whispered in her ear and patted her back.

She coughed again and nodded. His gaze locked on hers and she froze.

Sage’s hand sank to her lower back. The fingers on his other hand tunneled into her hair. “Carolina,” he whispered, easing her face closer.

The scent of chocolate surrounded her. His breath carried the coolness of the ice cream. Close enough to kiss.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

She hesitated, then whispered, “No.”

Being in Sage’s arms, she wanted more. More kisses. More touches. More. She wanted everything.

“Good.” His cool lips brushed her mouth. His warm tongue slid against hers. Then he sealed their mouths together.

His tongue teased and taunted, advancing and then retreating.

Her hands burrowed under his polo shirt, finding the hot skin of his back.

She slid across his lap, straddling him. Her breasts pressed to his chest while her center rode his erection setting off sparks of desire. He shoved up her shirt—and paused. “Are you okay with this?”

In the kitchen she hadn’t been. Now? Instead of wasting words, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and yanked it over her head.

“Oh, yeah.”

His breath washed over her chest. He leaned back and whipped his own shirt off.