Page 107 of To Catch a Thief

“In my mind, I built him up to be better than he was.”

She frowned.

“I worshipped him,” he explained.

“What’s wrong with that?”

He took a deep breath. “He had an affair with an interpreter. She was one of the people he saved when he died. Is that living honorably?”

Carolina covered her mouth. “How did your mother find out?”

“The woman came to my dad’s memorial service. And when they shipped back his things, there were letters.”

“I’m sorry.” But how could he have judged her own mother so harshly?

“My mother forgave him. She never tarnished his image.” He took both her hands. His green eyes were so solemn. “My mother could have ruined our father’s…legacy. Instead she chose to remember the love. You love your mother. You didn’t want to hurt people. I understand how difficult a position you were in. I understand. And I respect the hard choices you had to make.”

Her heart skip entire measures of beats. “You understand why I did what I did?”

He nodded. “I love you even more for the tough choices you’ve made.”

Kaden knocked on the door frame. “Abby says dinner is ready.”

“We should…eat.” She scrambled to her feet. Was this real?

Sage’s words haunted her as they sat down to another delicious meal. She assumed it was delicious. Everyone said so. Her hand shook each time she brought her fork to her mouth. And her stomach churned so hard, she worried what she swallowed would come back up.

Sage loved her. Hope simmered in her heart. Could they really find happiness?

“We’re heading to the library for a Jameson,” Gray said to Sage. “Care to join us?”

“I can help with the dishes,” Sage suggested.

Gray looked at Abby.

“Go.” Abby smiled. “Carolina, can you stay and help?”

Carolina looked at the three sisters. They were all smiling. So were Kaden, Gray, Daniel and Liam. “Um, sure.”

“I’ll just check on the kids.” Courtney winked at Carolina and headed out of the kitchen with the men.

“What was that about?” Carolina asked.

“We asked them to let us have some time with you.” Dolley rubbed her hands together, headed out the door and came back with a tray of wineglasses and a bottle of prosecco chilling in an ice bucket.

“What’s going on?” Carolina asked. “I thought we were doing dishes.”

“Not yet.” Abby cleared her throat. “I think we’ve been way too harsh to you.”

Carolina stared at their three smiling faces. “I… I don’t understand.”

“We’re family.” Abby took her hand.

A shiver tore through Carolina’s body.

“Family.” Bess took her other hand.

Dolley worked the cork out of the bottle with a pop that had them all jumping. “Sisters.”

Tears filled her eyes. “But…your mother.” She nodded at Dolley. “You shut the door on me after lunch.”

Dolley winced. “We had to call Mamma.”

“We explained how great you are.” Abby squeezed her fingers. “She regrets how she reacted. Or overreacted. She knows you’re not to blame for our father’s decisions.”

“I understand why she did.” Carolina’s heart pounded like a bass drum. Family.

“Would you consider continuing to sing at the restaurant? I know I was…mean. But please come back. And not just because you up the gross receipts.”

“What Abby’s trying to say is—” Bess grinned “—come back because we love working with our sisters.”

She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t see, because tears filled her eyes. Sisters.

“Let her think.” Dolley poured the bubbling wine into the glasses. “Here. Drink.”

Carolina picked up the glass in front of her. “Yes. I want to work with my…” She couldn’t talk for the tears.

“Sisters,” Dolley added.

“Sisters,” Carolina whispered.

“To us.” The glasses pealed a lovely note as they toasted each other.

“Wait!” Carolina set down her glass. They didn’t know. “I stole a bird. A cardinal. From the parlor. During the interview.”

Abby blinked. Then laughed.

“I’m so sorry. Mamá. She wanted something.” Her words ran together. “I’ll bring it back. I promise. But it has to be—after.”

Abby pulled her into a hug. “I don’t care.”

“I…” Carolina sank back in her seat and sobbed into her hands.

Male laughter echoed in the hall. The men returned with tumblers of amber liquid, Courtney trailing behind them.