Page 44 of To Catch a Thief

Thank you, Carolina mouthed. “How was your appointment?”

“Later,” he whispered.

Was he going back to work? She bit her lip, hating her selfishness.

“There you are, Ms. Castillo.” The tech took the wheelchair from Sage and they watched Mamá enter the treatment area.

“It was nice that you brought her chocolate,” Carolina said as they sat on the sofa in the waiting area.

“I know you’re worried about her weight loss.” He shrugged. “It seemed like something easy I could do to help you.”

She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed. “If you keep this up, I’ll fall in love with you.”

He froze.

Carolina’s muscles turned to granite.

She was an idiot. She couldn’t look at him. How could she have said something so flip? So stupid? Her face burned. If she could rewind time, she would tape her mouth shut.

“Carolina?” His low voice rumbled.

“Yes?” She stared at her clenched fists.

“Honey?” His arm tightened around her shoulders. With his free hand, he tipped up her chin.

“What?” Her lips trembled.

He brushed his mouth on hers. “I hope you’re falling in love with me. Because I’m falling in love with you.”

Heat flashed through her body. She stared into his cool, evergreen eyes. “You’re…falling in love with me?”

A smile slipped across his face, brightening the room. “I am.”

Now her whole body shook. “That’s incredible.”

Her stupid wish that he wouldn’t get well hadn’t made him run for the hills. They were falling in love. Together.

* * *

“ELLA, HOW ARE YOU?” Carolina juggled her cell phone and keys as she locked the apartment door to head to work. She’d volunteered to take Naomi’s lunch shift.

“I’m hoping you have a sofa or a piece of floor I can sleep on in Tybee for a few days.”

“You’re coming to visit?” Carolina grinned.

“I found the last of your stuff and got a gig in Hilton Head. It doesn’t start for a couple of weeks, but I thought… I miss you.” There were tears in her friend’s voice.

She could tell there was more to Ella’s decision, but if her friend was coming to visit, Carolina should have plenty of time to worm the information out of her. “Of course you can stay.”

“How’s your mama?”

Carolina gave Ella a quick update. It sounded so clinical. Seizures. Hospital stays. Radiation treatments. But each description ripped holes into the fabric holding her together.

“I’m sorry,” Ella said.

“Thank you.” Carolina took a deep breath, trying to push her despair aside. “How long will you be here?”

“I’ve got about five weeks before I have to be in Hilton Head, but a friend wanted to sublease the apartment. Maybe a couple of weeks?”

“It’s perfect.” Then she remembered she was staying in Abby’s apartment. “Oh, shoot, I’m staying in Savannah.”

“Is that a problem?”

“I’ll have to check. I hope not.” She pulled open the restaurant’s back door and spoke over the clatter of pans and voices filling the kitchen. “Would you like to work while you’re here?”

“With you?” There was the normal Ella energy. “Absolutely.”

“I’m working on something, so it might not happen.”

“Make it happen. I love playing for you.”

They signed off.

She tucked her purse in a locker and pulled on her shirt. She’d check with Abby on having guests in the apartment. Then ask about using Ella as her accompanist.

Cheryl looked up from the flat-top range. “Hey, Carolina, how’s your mother?”

“The treatments are wearing her out.”

“I’m sorry.” Cheryl brushed a stray strand of pale blond hair back from her cheek with her shoulder. “I hope she improves.”

“So do I.” Carolina rested her hands against the stainless-steel counter. “Is Abby here?”

“In her office.” Cheryl tipped her head to the side of the kitchen.

“Thanks.” Should she interrupt her now or wait?

She had ten minutes before her shift started, so she headed to Abby’s tiny office.

Instead of finding Abby alone, the room was filled.

“Hi, Carolina.” Abby waved her in. “Is there something you need?”

“I…” Dolley was there and a third woman sat on top of a low file case. Was that her other half sister? Her heart tried to pound its way out of her chest. “We can talk later.”

“Now’s fine. They were just leaving.” Abby asked, “Have you met my sisters?”