Page 101 of The Billionaire's Son

“The market started reacting to rumors three or four days ago, but the official announcement was made yesterday morning,” Sean said.

“Why the delay?” Kelly asked.

Trice met Kelly’s gaze. “No one knows.”

Kelly nodded and fell silent. So Trey did it. He booted Senior and took over the family business. Good for him. Would he become so immersed in Wentworth Industries he’d ignore Jason? No, Trey wouldn’t do that. He loved his son too much.

She needed to return his SUV. She’d received her insurance check yesterday and planned to rent a car while she searched for a vehicle she could afford. She should drive to the ferry tonight, but knew she wouldn’t. She wasn’t ready to sever that last connection.

What did another day or two matter? Trey had more vehicles than anyone needed. She could wait until her next day off.

“Have you heard from him?” Trice asked quietly.

“Only indirectly,” Kelly said.

“What does that mean?”

“My entire apartment complex has been wired with a new state-of-the-art security system courtesy of Wentworth Industries.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe how quickly it happened.”

“Money talks,” Sean said.

“There are new video cameras at every entrance or exit, and get this. I have four monitors in my apartment so I can view every one of them.”

“No way,” Sean said.

“Yep. I came home from work one night and there they were, along with detailed instructions on how to scroll through each access point.”

“Surely he didn’t put monitors in every unit.”

“No,” Kelly said. “Just mine and the manager’s office. Apparently Trey wanted them to hire guards 24/7 to monitor the cameras, but when management said that would mean raising everyone’s rent, he had the screens placed in my unit.”

“And he paid for the whole deal?” Sean asked.

“Well, I sure as hell didn’t,” Kelly said. “There’s also an alarm on my front door. So far I’ve set the damn thing off twice when I couldn’t disable it quickly enough with my password.”

“He wants to make sure nothing happens to you,” Trice said. “I think that’s sweet.”

“The man is in love,” Sean said with a grin.

“He’s grateful because I rescued his son,” Kelly said, relieved by the arrival of their food.

“Oh, yeah,” Trice said. “I’m sure that’s it.”

Sorry she’d even mentioned Trey’s ridiculous security system, Kelly picked up a fork to signal she was done with the discussion. Too bad her traitorous stomach roiled at the thought of food.

The fact that Trey had been so high-handed rankled, although her fellow residents had been delighted with the extra level of security. She’d actually made a couple of new friends. Turned out most of the building knew who she was and that she’d rescued Jason Wentworth.

Kelly stabbed a French fry. Yeah, but her neighbors didn’t have to enter a security code into a blinking box within sixty seconds every time they came home. She’d been tempted to refuse to set the alarm, but that just made her feel stupid.

She’d like to call Trey and give him a good piece of her mind. But she didn’t dare do that. Hearing his voice would only make her loneliness worse. And she’d want to talk to Jason. Better that she stay away.

Funny how lately every small child she saw reminded her of the little dude, made her wonder how he and his dad were doing. Made her want a child of her own.

She forced herself to take a bite of her tuna sandwich. She was trying to forget Trey, move on. So how was she supposed to do that when his security system was in her face every single day?

* * *

KELLY ENTERED HER APARTMENT, hurried straight to the alarm pad and entered the password. When the blinking light changed from red to green, she released a sigh. At least tonight she wouldn’t have to place an embarrassing call to the alarm company to call them off.

After locking her front door, she went to her bedroom, unbuckled her duty belt and looped it over the chair where she always kept it. No need to lock away her service weapon. No small children in the house to worry about.