And it was a devil’s deal he made now, educating an innocent on rakes. He’d have to spend time with her, talk on illicit subjects. He closed his eyes for a moment. The whole thing was…mad. And intoxicating.

Part of him liked the delicious torture she presented. He’d never touch her, of course. That would mean marriage for certain.

But his more sensible half would normally turn and walk the other direction if not for his loyalty to Cassandra. She needed his help and Charlie was a beautiful answer to his dilemma.

“Let’s agree to some more terms before we shake on it, shall we?”

“Shake?” She wrinkled her nose. “That’s a terrible idea. My first stipulation is that we close the bargain with something far more interesting.”

“Such as?” He raised his brows, attempting to look stern as he glared down at her.

She didn’t look frightened in the least. Most innocents were deathly afraid of him. Perhaps titillated but not willing to approach him. He was large, dark, and he scowled far more than he smiled. On purpose. He didn’t want most people to find him approachable.

But Charlie either wasn’t innocent or didn’t care. He’d been wondering which since the first moment he’d met her. Which was the first sign of danger, really. He shouldn’t be wondering about her at all.

When Jennifer had died, he’d sworn that she alone would hold his heart. He was a young man, and at some point, physical need had come knocking, but he kept those trysts as meaningless as possible. Full of sinful, physical delight and devoid of any emotion.

He grimaced, his gut clenching. Why did being with Charlie now make him question the wisdom of that choice? Like he’d defiled himself, or Jennifer, or his memories with all his debaucherous behavior?

“Well…” she started. “I’m looking for an education on the behavior of rakes and you are agreeing to give it to me. What might a rake do to seal a bargain?”

He drew in a long breath through his nose. “Minx.”

The single word fell between them, making her grin. “My brother would never use that word, but I believe the sentiment is the same. I do tend to stir trouble.”

He shook his head, what had he gotten himself into? “Do you like trouble?”

She shrugged. “I like being distracted. Have ever since—” She stopped, her face turning away from his. “I mostly keep my activities wholesome. I do intend to marry. But I find I am exceptionally restless here and I need…” She stopped talking.

Raithe narrowed his gaze. Her words struck a chord in him. The restlessness maybe. Was she running from some feelings too? That made him hurt a bit. She was too stunning to have been wounded in such a way. “If you’re looking for a man to ruin you, I’m not him.”

Her gaze snapped back to his. “I didn’t say that.”

“We’re standing in the garden, alone.” He waved around them. “If discovered, you’d be a baroness before you could blink.”

Her cheeks flushed and her hands buried in her skirts. “I don’t have a mother to teach me how to find a husband. I need some guidance.”

He heard the pain lacing her voice and his own heart clenched. Of course, he’d known her parents had passed away, but he’d never realized how deeply she’d been affected. How old had she been when they’d died? His hand reached out, lightly caressing her upper arm. Because he understood her pain. Far more than he’d care to admit. But that was also a very good reason to keep his distance, at least emotionally. “Talk to the Moorish sisters. They can help you far better than I on that score. Hell, they can probably teach you about rakes better than I ever could. They seem exceptionally good at taming them.”

“Are you reconsidering our arrangement?” She stepped closer, tilting her chin to look at him.

His body was not cooperating with his mind and his fingers itched to pull her up against him. “No,” he answered, dropping his hand from her arm. “I will tell you what you want to know, but we’ll talk from now on when we’re in plain sight of proper chaperones.”

She nodded. “I agree to your term. Now for mine.” She swallowed. “I want one single kiss to seal our bargain.”

His lips thinned over his teeth. He couldn’t do it. She looked so tempting, tilting her chin up to him, throat exposed, body close enough to feel her heat, imagining her lush curves pressed into him. “Why?” he grated out.

She blinked. “It seems rather important when planning to find a husband. How will I know I’m doing it right if I haven’t ever kissed anyone?”

He clenched his fists at his sides. Bloody fuck and holy hell, she’d never been kissed. “A hundred men would have kissed you last season. Why me? Why now?”

She shrugged. “Because you’re not interested in me. Because I’m not ready to marry yet and I don’t want to falsely lead one of those other men to believe—”

He wrapped his fingers about her upper arm. This time the touch was less of a gentle stroke and more of a firm reminder. “You’re wrong.” The words flew from his lips before he could stop them, but now that he’d said them, he couldn’t take them back. Didn’t want to. “You are a stunningly beautiful woman with enough spunk to keep a man entertained for ages. And you should marry…immediately. Your tendencies are going to get you in trouble sooner rather than later.” He stepped closer, his chest just brushing the tips of her breasts. He felt her gasp and damn it all to hell if her nipples didn’t tighten, pushing into his chest. Need swelled inside him as he thought about taking each of those little buds into his mouth. How would she taste?

“How dare you,” she said softly after she drew in a sharp breath. The move only pushed her breasts further into his chest. “I told you. I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m using this opportunity to educate myself, but I can see now that I was wrong. I think this was a terrible idea—”

He tugged her clos