She let him put the first one on as she pulled on the second and then he pulled her up from the blanket. Bending down, he grabbed the large sheet up into his arms, nudging Charlie toward the entrance.

But she put a hand on his arm. “The pleasure you talked about.”

His insides jolted. Damn, he wanted more of this woman. “What about it?”

“Does it take my maidenhead?” she looked at him. “Do I risk a child?”

He tucked her hand into his elbow, “No and no, but honestly, it’s a bad idea. We are playing with fire and—”

“Why?” she asked. “Why are we playing with fire?”

“You already know. We’ve already done enough to ruin you and…” His voice trailed off as they made their way from the little hideaway.

Her large hazel eyes met his. “And you don’t wish to marry…again.”

Chapter Nine

Charlie knew that he was correct. They were indeed playing with fire. She just wasn’t certain she cared.

Well, she cared. She still wanted to marry, of course. But some of her other goals melted away in the flames between them. Attention from other men. Who cared? Not when she had the attention of this one.

Her worries over her brother’s marriage and her loneliness? Who could be lonely with Raithe pressed up against her chest?

She had to be careful, of course. She would not allow herself to be so damaged that she could not return. But Raithe, more than anything she’d tried in her past, was filling the void.

Bianca stood near the cave, her hand cupped to her mouth as though she were about to call again. “Oh. There you are.”

Behind her, her fiancé stood with his arms crossed. “I suggested we barge in, but Bianca has far more tact than me.”

Raithe stopped eyeing the other man as his jaw hardened and his spine straightened. “There was nothing to barge in on. We were just cleaning up from the picnic.”

“Picnic?” Craven’s frown grew menacing as his shaggy brows dropped low nearly covering his eyes. “Where’s the basket then?”

Charlie stepped forward. “I lost one of my stockings in the sand. We had to search for it.” She lifted a hand. “Turns out, it was under the blanket. Can you believe that?”

Craven pointed at Raithe. “You and I need to have a chat.”

“Chat?” Raithe lifted a single brow. “The word doesn’t suit you. You’ve never had a chat in your life.”

Craven charged forward. Leaner than Raithe, he was equally tall, and while his body was less thickly muscled, he exuded power that made Charlie step closer into Raithe’s side, tucking herself behind his massive arm.

Lord Craven stopped, dropping his arms. “You’ve nothing to fear, Charlie. I’d never hurt you. In fact, what Lord Balstead and I need to discuss is your protection.”

She swallowed, quite content to stay exactly where she was. “I am perfectly safe, Lord Craven. Thank you for your concern. In fact, Lord Balstead has a friend who is a widow. We were just discussing the possibility of her accompanying me to some of my social engagements this summer.”

“Really?” Bianca stepped up next to her fiancé. “How interesting.”

Craven did a leisurely assessment of Charlie and Raithe. “That seems reasonable enough. What is less clear is how comfortable Charlie is being tucked against you.”

“Damn it,” Raithe muttered more to himself but Charlie heard him.

“Lord Craven.” She stepped around Raithe, suddenly wishing to protect him as much as she’d wanted his protection moments before. She spread her hands out in front of her. “Please do not misunderstand.”

Craven crossed his arms once again. “I see what’s happening very clearly.”

Raithe’s hand came to her back. Just a light touch, but it made her shiver nonetheless. “Lord Craven, let us walk back up to the house together, provided the ladies are comfortable walking up without our assistance.”

“Charlie?” Bianca asked.