Not that he minded the beach. The ocean waves, the sand under one’s feet could be quite relaxing. But the company of Charlie was anything but.

“Excellent,” Chase answered. “We’ll leave shortly after breakfast before it gets too hot. The weather is warming, for certain.”

“London will empty out soon enough,” Charlie said, glancing down at her plate.

Chase gave her a sympathetic look. “Sorry, Charlie. You missed the whole season.”

She shrugged. “Your and Dane’s marriages are more important. And besides. I’m only nineteen. They’ll be others.”

Chase gave her a winning smile as Raithe watched them interact. It was a different side of Charlie. One that cared more for other’s needs, one that wasn’t sparring. He quite liked her like this. Warm and soft.

But then he reminded himself that this was the woman who’d bargained to learn about rogues. Who made him forget his vows and question his life choices. He didn’t have room to like her.

“There will, for certain,” Rathmore said. “Dane and I will take turns escorting you. I am sure Juliet and Ophelia will help in that regard too.”

Charlie didn’t answer at first but Raithe noted that she had a tight grip on her fork. “Of course you’ll take turns. You’ll be busy building your new lives.” Her mouth pinched.

Something clearly troubled her, though Raithe had no idea what it might be. And frankly, it wasn’t his concern.

They ate their breakfast, the conversation remaining light, and then headed out for a stroll.

Rathmore escorted Ophelia and Raithe offered his arm to Charlie, her hand slipping into the crook of his elbow. He imagined her fingers felt like that of a bird resting on him, her touch was so light.

“Do you want to see the caves properly?” Ophelia called from just ahead. “The tide is low.”

Charlie shook her head. “I think I’m done with the caves. Thank you.”

“Caves?” he asked.

She nodded. “There are caves that dot the bluffs. But many of the reachable ones also flood so you have to make sure and explore them when the tide is on its way out.”

“And did you? Explore them?” he asked. Raithe wasn’t certain why he was curious but something about her behavior puzzled him.

She nodded. “I did. But I didn’t wait for the group and—” She stopped. “It all worked out fine.”

He looked at her. “I’d like to hear the part between I didn’t wait and it all worked out.”

She sighed. “What does this have to do with rakes?”

“I’m not certain yet. But I suspect something.” That was the truth. And he knew he should likely mind his business. Keep his interactions with her as brief as possible but he couldn’t shake the feeling that the caves and researching rakes were of the same origin.

“Well.” She licked her lips and his entire body tensed. Her tongue was the same pale pink as her lush, delicious mouth and he wanted to taste her again. “A few days ago, the Moorishes held a ball.”

A touch of jealousy made him flex his arm. “And did you have scores of suitors?”

She shook her head. “Not at all. Honestly, everyone else was so engaged I was rather lonely.” Then she drew in a sharp breath. “Anyhow. The next morning I woke up restless.”

That word again.

Restless. And the other…lonely. He was beginning to sense a theme. One he honestly shared. “And so you set off to explore caves that flood…on your own?”

Her hand tightened in the crook of his arm. “That’s right.”

“And what happened next?”

She shuddered. “I was deep in the cave, looking at some skeletons of fish and shells of crabs when a burst of water hit my feet. I’m not a strong swimmer and I rushed to the front of the cave, I realized the water had completely covered the sand and was climbing the rock face. I had no idea of how deep it was or—”

He heard the catch in her voice. His other hand covered hers. His own heart beat wildly thinking of the danger she’d been in. “How did you escape?”