Wetness touched his cheek and he opened his eyes to realize she was crying. He let go of her back to swipe at both of her cheeks. Then he pulled her up to stand once again.

Her knees wobbled and he held her tighter to his chest. “Are you all right, my love?”

“I’m fine. I’m wonderful. That was…” She wrapped her arms about his neck and kissed him again, a full, long kiss as everyone went silent. She finally pulled back. “That was the most wonderful moment of my entire life.”

The crowd cheered again.

Chase slapped his back. “And I thought I had the most romantic proposal. I do believe you beat me, cousin.”

Her father stepped up next to them. “How did you propose, Your Grace?”

Dane looked at Chase, pressing his mouth together as his eyebrows rose. But Ophelia stepped in. “That’s a story for another time. Today is about Lord Hartwell and Juliet.”

Mr. Moorish nodded and turned away leaving the circle but returning quickly with a bottle of champagne. “I just received a shipment. Shall we toast?”

“Yes!” Adrianna called stomping her foot. “We’re all safe, we’re all here together. Tonight, we celebrate.”

A cheer rose up from the group as the champagne was opened and poured.

Dane leaned down and softly whispered close to her ear. “I’ve something else to ask you.”

Her eyebrows went up as she held his hands tighter. “I’m not sure I can stand another surprise.”

He put both her arms about her waist. “I’ve asked your father and he’s agreed to allow us to have a ceremony on the beach tomorrow. We’ll have a second in the church, of course.”

She gasped, clutching at his coat. “A ceremony tomorrow? But…” Her eyes dilated. “There is so much to do.”

“It’s done already. If you consent.” He lifted her, spinning in place as champagne was passed about. “We’ve planned the entire thing.”

She nibbled at her lip a gesture he loved. “If my sisters planned my wedding, does that mean I get to plan theirs?”

“For goodness’ sake, yes,” Ophelia answered. “You were always going to anyway.”

A laugh filled the room as Ophelia crossed to the pianoforte. “I think we need a song to fill this moment.”

Dane nodded but he didn’t need anything else. Tomorrow, this amazing woman would become his wife.


Juliet stood on the beach, her hands joined with Dane’s. A smile near split her face. All the flowers that had adorned the music room the night before now lined the sand, creating an aisle she’d just walked down.

It was perfect.

Dane gave her the sort of soft smile that both melted her heart and had the organ hammering in her chest. They’d be together forever.

She listened to the vicar as they each repeated their vows, her heart filling her chest. They were getting married. She could hardly believe it was true.

“You may kiss the bride,” the vicar announced as the assembly cheered.

Juliet rose up on tiptoe, her lips joining Dane’s, the sound of his heart racing as quickly as hers echoing in her ears.

She pulled back and looked out over her family. Each of her sisters sat watching, all beaming at her and Dane.

Except for Cordelia. Her quiet, thoughtful sister still grinned but her smile was much more brittle. A sadness tinged her sister’s face that made some of Juliet’s joy evaporate. Cordelia’s passion was her music but that didn’t mean she shouldn’t have love.

Juliet cocked a brow, her eyes swinging to the other side of the group and to Lord Dashlane. The man sat staring straight ahead, not even bothering to smile as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Dane,” Juliet softly whispered to her new husband. “I’ve been thinking. Cordelia and Lord Dashlane, they would make an excellent—”