“That doesn’t sound like you,” he said, frowning. He had to confess, he’d been so caught up in his red-haired minx that he’d not been attending his sister very much.

Charlie shrugged. “Once you dance with a man, he wants another and then another and then he asks for a walk in the garden and then—” His sister stopped.

Juliet gave a small giggle from her other side. “Do men attempt to romance you often?”

Charlie shrugged. “I suppose. It’s so difficult to find the right man, though, isn’t it? The one who makes your heart beat as fast as his is beating for you.”

Juliet cleared her throat. “I suppose it is.”

Dane grimaced. Did he make Juliet’s heart beat out of her chest like she made his? He’d felt the evidence of her desire tonight and somehow, that seemed the answer to his question. He’d told Chase that he’d allowed emotion to cloud his judgment, but all at once, he realized that he’d allowed judgment and reason to cloud his emotion. Whenever he just allowed himself to feel, like on the beach, he moved closer to this woman. “Charlie.” He glanced at his sister. “I do believe that’s the wisest thing you ever said and I appreciate the restraint you’re showing. Perhaps this season will be far better than the last.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Better for you. I thoroughly e

njoyed last year. All those men fawning over me. It was wonderful.”

Dane winced. Was that what women wanted? No wonder Juliet wasn’t ready to commit to being his wife. While he appreciated that she wasn’t attempting to trap him in marriage a new worry emerged. What if he had to watch her be courted by others?

His hand clenched at his side. He’d challenge every last one of them to a duel.

Juliet looked around him, to his sister. “I’d take just one man, the right man, fawning over me.”

His jaw snapped shut at the implication in his words. Fawning? He could do that.

Charlie smiled. “Just the one?” She winked and then looked at him. “How delightful.”

“Well, regardless of last year, I’m glad our visit to Seabridge Gate has given you time to reflect.”

“Seabridge Gate is wonderful,” Charlie gushed, then she cleared her throat. “I was walking on the beach earlier and I noticed some opening that looked like caves. Ophelia said you know more about them than anyone.”

Juliet nodded. “They’re wonderful but best explored with someone who understands them.” Then she touched his arm again. “Your brother wanted to see them too. Perhaps the three of us could go on an outing together?”

Charlie gave a small clap. “How fun. May we go, Dane?”

“Of course,” he answered, relaxing a bit. Tomorrow, he’d spend time with Juliet and he’d find a way to tell her that she was the one who made his heart near thrum right out of his chest.

Chapter Thirteen

Juliet woke the next day, the sun shining high in the sky. She swiped at her face, trying to erase the fog that covered her brain as she thought of everything that had happened the night before. Had she actually turned down a marquess’s offer of marriage?

But then she grinned. She was trying for a much better prize. His heart.

She pushed back the covers and rose for the day. After bathing and dressing, she made her way down to breakfast.

Despite the lateness of the hour, it was nearly noon, everyone was at breakfast still, including her sisters. Rathmore, as a houseguest, sat next to Ophelia and Dane had taken the chair opposite him. Dane’s eyes met hers and she grinned, despite herself, and looked to the floor.

“Good morning,” she said, nibbling at her lip.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Adrianna called. “What took you so long? You’re normally the first one up.”

A blush crept into her cheeks as she thought of the events of last night, the way that Dane had touched her. She’d fallen into an unusually deep sleep. “I was tired.”

Adrianna raised a brow as Dane stepped out to help her into a chair. She realized that she wasn’t the last to breakfast as she glanced around the table. “When do you expect Charlie?”

Dane shrugged. “She’s not an early riser. We might be waiting on her for a bit.”

“Wait?” Cordelia crinkled her brow. “Wait for what? She was up ages ago.”

Something cold slid down her spine as she looked at her sister. “Up hours ago? Where is she now?”