He stood at Ophelia’s side, Charlie chattering away next to both of them.

His brow was set low and his arms crossed in front of him.

She swallowed. “Your Grace,” she said, looking at her future brother-in-law.

“Juliet?” He took one look at her and placed a hand under her elbow. “Did Dane say something dreadful to you? Do I need to give him a good thrashing?”

She shook her head. “He didn’t say anything at all.” Her breath caught on the word anything. “In fact, he didn’t even collect his dance. This set was supposed to be his.”

Chase’s brow dropped low. “The cad,” he said through clenched teeth. “I’ll make sure he signs up for another.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want you to make him do anything. I thought…” She drew in a steadying breath. “I thought he wanted to dance with me.”

Chase pulled her to the side. “He’s worried that you only want to be a marchioness. That your true feeling is for Dashlane.”

The words hit her like a kick in the stomach. Of course that’s what he was worried about. “Tiffany,” she murmured, her hand covering her face.

Chase’s eyes widened in surprise. “He must really care about you if he told you about her betrayal.”

“I don’t know about that but at least I understand.” She shook her head. “And for whatever it is worth, I don’t feel anything at all for Dashlane. I’m not sure I ever did.”

“I know.” He scratched the back of his head. “And Dane will figure that out too. He’s just very stubborn. And he’s been hurt.”

She nodded. “The problem is I’ve no idea how to make him see that my intentions aren’t to trick him in any way. He doesn’t even need to propose—”

“Yes. He does,” Chase said. “But you let me worry about that.”

She shook her head. “I just want to spend time with him. That’s all.”

He patted her arm. “My guess is he went for a walk on the beach. Ophelia and I will cover for you if you want to talk with him.”

“You’re actually suggesting that I go spend time alone with him. At night?”

Chase’s jaw hardened. “I already told you. I’ll see to the wedding.”

Beside him, Ophelia drew in a sharp breath. And Juliet’s mind whirled with confusion. Was going to Dane really a wise choice? Then again. What was the alternative? To stay here and let him slip away forever? No. If nothing else, Juliet was a woman of action. There might be a great deal she didn’t like about herself but in this one way, she trusted her instincts.

* * *

Dane stood on the beach, his mind warring with his desires and deepest needs. He’d left the party, needing space and quiet to think. Down here, the noise faded away and only the ocean could be heard, beating in time with his thoughts.

What Tiffany had done to him had not only broken his heart, it had made him a fool. He prized himself on his level-headed abilities and his use of reason over emotion and she’d demolished his self-image in one nasty swipe. He’d found his fiancée out in the garden, kissing another man.

Then an entirely different thought occurred to him. He was the man that Juliet had been secretly meeting in the garden. A laugh nearly bubbled up from his throat. He was the marquess. It wasn’t possible that she planned to wed Dashlane while loving him.

The very idea of Dashlane touching her, undressing her, made his head buzz again. He’d seen the man hold her in his arms during their dance. And then all at once, it hit him. He had promised her a dance too.

Spinning about he was about to sprint back up the path. But as he turned, she stood ten feet away at the very edge of the beach, her arms crossed in front of her.


“You didn’t come for our dance.”

He heard the emotion in her voice as it wobbled and dipped. He hated that he hurt her. Even as worried as he was for his own heart, he never wanted to cause her any pain.

Crossing the space between them, he gathered her in his arms. “I’m so sorry.” He held her close though she was stiff in his embrace. “I was jealous to see you with Dashlane and…” He drew in a deep breath. “I heard your sister say something about you scheming to catch his attention and I—”

She gasped, her hands coming to his chest. “And you got scared because of how your fiancée treated you.”