Juliet nodded and leaned over to kiss her sister’s cheek. “I understand completely.”

Someone tugged on her other arm and she turned to see Adrianna. Her youngest sister was just in front of her, wearing a triumphant grin. “You can thank me later,” Adrianna whispered before she stepped aside to make room for Lord Dashlane.

Juliet sucked in her breath. She knew why Adrianna had attempted to help her but she really wished her sister hadn’t. Then her stomach twisted. Perhaps her sisters often felt that way about her attempts to help them.

“Miss Moorish.” Dashlane gave a stiff bow, his eyes sliding to Cordelia before returning to her. “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”

She jerked her chin in acceptance, placing her fingers in his outstretched hand. As if she needed any confirmation he was not the man for her, nothing happened when they touched. Her breath didn’t catch or speed up. Her heart did flop in her chest but that was with some sick dread.

Then she realized, she could use this opportunity to steer Dashlane toward her sister. Briefly, she looked back at Cordelia. Was she meddling again, an annoyance to her family and anyone she wished to love?

With a sigh, she allowed him to pull her onto the dance floor. His hand at her waist felt odd. She’d only ever allowed Dane to touch her in such a way. But she started the steps with Dashlane, looking anywhere but at him.

That’s when her eye caught Dane. Standing just feet away in a line of onlookers, his mouth twisted into a frown. She attempted to tell him, with her eyes, that this dance meant nothing, but his face continued to grow increasingly stern, his brow furrowing over his eyes.

She looked back at Dashlane. “I’d like to apologize.”

“For what?” he asked, spinning her again so she could no longer see Dane.

She drew in a breath. “I expressed some interest in you and my sisters have taken it upon themselves to attempt to match us.” Color rose in her cheeks. “But I just need you to know that I don’t expect anything from you. And that I won’t bother you again.”

He was silent for so long that Juliet finally met his gaze. “I’m sorry too. A woman as beautiful as you should never feel like she needs to apologize to a man for giving him attention.”

His compliment nearly made her smile. “Worry not. I know that my personality can be abrasive. I—” She swallowed, realizing how much she was revealing.

He slowed their steps, holding on to her waist. “Is that what you think?” He cleared his throat. “I’m the one who should be apologizing for ever making you doubt yourself. The truth is…” He looked back through the crowd where Cordelia and Adrianna stood watching them. Juliet realized that Dane was just behind them, watching too. “The truth is that I find myself quite taken with another.”

Juliet smiled. “I understand completely. If you need any help, just ask.”

He looked back at her, giving her a large smile. “Thank you so much.”

She nodded, her gaze returning to her sisters. but really, she was attempting to find Dane. Her gaze narrowed as she searched the crowd. He’d disappeared.

* * *

Dane stood on the fringe of the dance floor watching Dashlane lead Juliet to an open spot. His insides tightened with jealousy.

Granted, at this moment, he might be irrationally angry with any other man who touched her. This need to claim her as his own was building inside him. Had he scoffed at Chase for getting engaged within a week? If his relationship with Juliet continued to progress this swiftly, he doubted he’d last another day.

Dane watched as they began the dance but his chest felt tight as he saw a blush climb into her cheeks, noted the way she could barely look the other man in the eye. Dashlane was handsome, he’d give the other man that.

But with Dashlane it was more. He sensed a change in Juliet whenever the other man was around. Did she have feelings for him? The thought made bile rise up in his throat. He slipped through the crowd until he stood behind Adrianna and Cordelia. He started to move on but Adrianna’s voice caught his ear and stopped him dead in his tracks. “My scheming tonight was almost as good as Juliet’s.”

Juliet? Scheming? His insides dropped even as his jaw clenched. He must have misheard.

Cordelia replied with something he couldn’t make out. She faced away from him but Adrianna’s reply rang in his ears.

“I thought she was in love with Dashlane? Has she decided to pursue a marquess instead?”

His fists clenched at his sides as he squeezed his eyes shut. She was in love with Dashlane? Had another woman played him? Decided she wanted to be a marchioness? Part of him didn’t want to believe it. He knew Juliet, she wasn’t like that. But he’d wanted to believe that the last time too.

Had this all been an elaborate scheme on her part? It wouldn’t be the first time a woman had used her wiles to trap him.

He spun about, wanting to leave the ball but knowing he couldn’t. His sister was here somewhere and she’d gone too long without a proper chaperone already. He noted that she now stood with Ophelia and Chase and he made his way to his cousin. “Can you keep an eye on Charlie for me tonight?” he ground out between his clenched teeth.

Chase narrowed his gaze as he looked at his cousin. “Of course. Why? Where are you going?”

“Anywhere but here,” he answered, turning away.