He kissed a spot on her neck, loving the taste of her skin, so fresh and sweet. As he circled her waist with his hands, her chest settled against his and he nearly groaned aloud. There must be magic here in Seabridge Gate that was seeping into his very soul. Because suddenly he wanted all sorts of things he hadn’t wished for in ages. “Juliet,” he said in a strangled groan. “I need to know—”

But he didn’t finish as her lips found his and suddenly they were kissing. It wasn’t soft or slow like the last but a heated press that made the desire in him roar as he pressed her closer. He’d wanted to ask her how she felt about him. Did she think this was more than just attraction? Perhaps she didn’t. She’d sworn to keep their last kiss a secret. And he’d appreciated that so much, but right now, the idea dissatisfied him. He didn’t want to share just a few kisses. He wanted so much more.

The need building inside him muddled his thoughts. Were his desires only physical? Her gloved hands had slipped up into his hair. Or did he want all the emotion that went with such need?

“Juliet,” he groaned, trailing his fingers along her spine until he reached the nape of her neck. “I want…”

She kissed him again and this time, he slanted her mouth open, his tongue lightly touching hers. He felt her shudder and he repeated the touch over and over until they both panted for breath. He slid a hand back down her back, over her behind, and down her leg. His fingers itched to flick the hem of her gown up and slide underneath all the layers of fabric to explore the curves of her legs and, if he were honest, her hot core.

The music ended and clapping broke out. He pulled back, looking up at the woman nestled into his lap. She blinked down at him. “Dane?” she asked. “What’s happening?”

He locked an arm about her tiny waist as he stood them both up, suppor

ting her weight. “Things that we need to discuss,” he murmured against her lips. “But right now, I should return you to your father’s side.”

She gave a tentative nod. “We’ll have to find a time to talk. I—”

He gave her a quick kiss as he started back down the path, supporting more of her weight. “We will. I feel the same.”

“Do you?” she whispered but he just heard her. “Do you really?”

Chapter Ten

Juliet tried to think as her heart beat wildly in her chest. What did he feel the same about? Did he think he was falling in love too?

But then she remembered. She’d said they needed to talk. He was agreeing. Dane wasn’t confessing his undying affection but just affirming that a conversation should take place. Her insides twisted and turned. What if he didn’t care for her the way she did him? With every touch, every kiss, it grew increasingly likely that her heart could be broken.

They stepped back into the crush of the ballroom, weaving back to her father’s side. She’d like to continue to hold on to Dane but he loosened her fingers, whispering in her ear, “I’ll be back.” Then he melted into the crowd.

She blinked. The kiss in the garden seemed like a dream back here in the noise and the crowd. Her father continued to chatter away, seeming oblivious to the fact that she’d disappeared.

“Are you all right?” Cordelia asked. “You’ve gone quite pale.”

She looked at her sister, reaching for her hand. “I’m confused.”

Cordelia nodded. “I understand. You thought you were in love with one man and now you find yourself actually in love with another.”

Juliet furrowed her brow. Was it that simple? “But what if he doesn’t love me back?”

Cordelia gave her fingers a squeeze, her gaze sympathetic as her eyes crinkled at the corners. “I’ve no idea, honestly. I keep asking myself the same question.”

Cordelia’s confession seemed to penetrate the fog that had clouded her mind. “Who might you be in love with?” Her sister had a beau? Juliet really had been distracted. Normally she knew all about these sorts of things where her sisters were concerned and she did something to aid them.

Cordelia shrugged but then her eyes lifted over Juliet’s shoulder. They widened, going pale, as her face lost all color.

Juliet looked back to see Dashlane and Adrianna coming toward them. Suddenly, she understood. Cordelia had feelings for Lord Dashlane. Oh dear.

“Juliet,” Adrianna called, waving a hand. “Juliet.”

Her mouth pressed into a line as she looked back at Cordelia, whose expression had become pained. “Adrianna has surely collected him to dance with you.”

She swallowed a lump. Could she give her dance to Cordelia? She’d never wanted to be around Dashlane less than she did right at this moment. “With me?” She looked back at Cordelia. “I’ll see if he can dance with you.”

Cordelia shook her head but Juliet saw her shoulders slump in relief. “It’s all right. But tell our sisters you’re not interested in him anymore.”

“Are you interested?” she asked, squeezing Cordelia’s fingers once again.

Cordelia’s shoulders lifted and then fell again. “I’m not certain.”