He chuckled. “I’ll get a new pair. That gown, however, is worth saving.”

She circled her arms about his neck. “Thank you, Dane,” she said. “And not just for this. Thank you for today. I will remember it always.”

He didn’t answer, instead, he leaned down, water all about them as another wave crashed into the shore and captured her lips again. It was brief and fierce and made her ache in her most private of parts.

Then his head lifted as quickly as he’d brought it down and he splashed through the rest of the water until he reached higher ground.

When he set her on her feet again, she knew she should let go of his neck, but she didn’t want to. Instead, her fingers stayed locked behind his head, the soft strands of his hair, twining into her fingers.

“You’re safe now,” he said, quietly, so only she could hear.

With a nod, she slowly dropped her hands, letting them slide down his chest. “I believe you.”

He took her hands in his, gently lowering them to her sides. “It’s time to get you back to your family.”

She tried not to frown. It wasn’t that she needed more from him today, it was just that she didn’t want this moment to end.

Would they have another kiss? Her breath caught as she realized that she desperately wanted to touch him again. Kiss him. Nearly as much as she wanted to breathe air. Could it be that she was falling in love?

Chapter Nine

Juliet stood in front of the mirror, assessing the silk gown she’d chosen for tonight. Not that it had been much of a choice. One look in her wardrobe and she’d known she’d wear the emerald green silk.

The top of the bodice clung to her body, showing a good deal of cleavage. The high waist allowed fabric to cascade down over her hips. She pulled on her high gloves, her hair having been piled atop her head in an intricate coif.

Cordelia sat at Juliet’s dressing table, already dressed for the evening. “The clouds are growing thick,” she said. “It might rain tonight.”

Juliet nodded, not really caring about the weather. “At least it’s held off this long.”

What she was far more interested in was the storm currently collecting in her belly. Nervous jitters fluttered about. She’d planned this party, wanting an opportunity to dance with Dashlane but now…all she could think about was Dane.

He’d promised her a dance. Her heart thudded and her hands pressed to her stomach. How would she feel to be in his arms again? Her breath caught when she remembered being held by them.

“So…” Cordelia said as she fiddled with the handle of a brush. “Are you going to try and dance with Lord Dashlane?”

Juliet looked over at her sister. “I…” She cocked her head as she noted Cordelia’s nervous fidgeting. “I doubt it.”

Cordelia’s head snapped up. “Really?”

Juliet turned toward her sister. “Really. I think he’s very handsome but…” Her mouth twisted. “I’d like a man who thinks I am like a sparkling jewel, not one who barely tol

erates me.”

Cordelia slumped down in her chair. “That makes a great deal of sense.”

Juliet was tempted to ask if Cordelia would attempt to procure a dance but she let it be. Her sister was quiet and she’d talk when she was ready. “Shall we start downstairs?”

Cordelia nodded. “I can’t believe you managed to make this ball happen in such a short amount of time.”

Juliet linked her arms within her sister’s. “I was motivated.” Funny how much her priorities had shifted. The image of Dane rose to the forefront of her thoughts. A few days ago, she didn’t even know him and now, he occupied her every waking thought. She wanted to be with him all the time. Not only did he like her for who she was, but…She nearly tripped on her own feet, he was a perfect complement to her boisterous personality.

She picked up speed, wanting to see him again…wanting to touch him in any way she could. As they reached the top of the stairs, her breath caught. She needn’t wait long. He was standing with her father and Chase in the entryway.

She swallowed as their eyes met.

“Come on,” Cordelia softly whispered. “I begin to understand why you no longer care about Lord Dashlane.”

She looked at her sister. “Lord Hartwell doesn’t believe in love.” She’d been so happy with his attention the day before, she hadn’t considered that as she wanted more from him, he might not be willing to give it. Even now, he might decide that he shouldn’t give her his attention this evening.