That caught her attention and she turned her face back to study his profile. “How so?”

“Vivacious, full of life.” He turned his head and locked his gaze on her. “And honest, almost to a fault.”

Her brow crinkled. She supposed that was very nearly true. Maybe not the honest part. Her sisters accused her of creating little schemes to manipulate them. Like when she’d hidden her cat and made her sisters and the lords search for them. But she’d done it for Adrianna’s own good. Perhaps Juliet had also wanted time alone with Lord Dashlane, but her focus had been on her sister. “My sisters would tell you many of my traits are rather annoying. I’m certain they like the more quiet me.” She thought Dashlane might like this version of her better too. He’d been giving her subtle glances all evening and had even tied the cravat about her. Funny. It hadn’t made her pulse race the way…well…the way Hartwell’s touch did.

He quirked a brow. “While both versions of you are lovely, for the record, I like the girl who stood toe-to-toe with me and told me I was blind.”

Heat and joy made a flush rise in her cheeks. “For the record, I said that you didn’t see anything at all. Not that you were blind. And I stand by that. Ophelia and your cousin are an excellent match. I hope you’ve come to understand that.”

“There she is.” He gave her a rare smile and Juliet had to confess that because he didn’t grin all the time, it seemed special that he’d given her one.

“You still didn’t acknowledge they are a perfect match.” She tapped his arm with her hand.

He shook his head. “I’m not convinced. But you’re a wonderful sister for trying to show me and I look forward to your continued lessons.”

Chapter Six

Dane wanted to kick himself. What had happened to him that he showered Juliet with compliments? Surely, this was so out of character for him and yet he couldn’t resist.

Dane had meant what he’d said to Chase earlier. He didn’t believe in love, and certainly not in falling in love in a week. But he also couldn’t deny that something odd was happening.

He’d grown terribly jealous over Juliet. That was the first indicator he was losing his faculties. And then, she felt too perfect tucked into his side. And he’d been telling the truth, he enjoyed her boisterous personality. It was fun and joyous when he often allowed the seriousness of a situation to weigh him down.

He closed his eyes. He could not allow this to happen again. He knew how this ended.


got an excellent idea,” Juliet said, squeezing his arm. “Let’s go on a picnic tomorrow. Just the four of us. That way, you can get to know Ophelia a bit. I’m sure it will calm any fears you might have.”

He looked down at her, his eyes widening a touch in surprise. It was a good idea and he appreciated the effort on her part. “Really? You don’t mind?”

She gave him a large smile. “Of course not. I’m happy to help and I love planning things. It’s my specialty.”

They entered the dining room and Dane was forced to let her go as she made her way to her seat. He was seated next to Charlie, near Mr. Moorish, and while he liked his host immensely, he wished to be at the other end of the table. His mouth tightened when he realized Lord Dashlane had been seated across from Juliet.

The other man smiled at her. “Miss Moorish, I must confess you’ve been a delight this evening.”

He saw her blush and stare down at her plate and his own gaze narrowed. That man was all wrong for Juliet. A dandy who was always flashing his smile, he was a rake of the first order. And honestly, even if that weren’t true, he was complimenting her on not being herself.

Did she like Dashlane’s compliment? Did she like that dandy rake? Jealousy reared inside him again, hot and fresh, and he gave his head a bit of a shake. He didn’t react emotionally. He was calm, centered.

Chase sat across from him, Ophelia at his side. “What are you looking at?” His cousin gave him a knowing grin.

“Nothing,” he grumbled, averting his eyes as a light vegetable soup was spooned into his bowl.

Ophelia offered him a gentle smile. “His Grace tells me that you and your sister have been like siblings to him since the loss of your parents.”

Dane grimaced. They’d managed to lose both sets of parents in the same stroke of fate. As he’d been the older of the two, he’d taken up the mantle of parent to both Chase and Charlie. The burden of a dukedom along with his own duties had been near crushing. But he wouldn’t change a thing. “And him to us. We forged a new family in our loss.”

She nodded, her eyes crinkling as though she understood. “My sisters have been my saving grace.”

Chase winked at him across the table. “Ophelia lost her mother several years ago, and as the eldest, has had a hand in raising them.”

Dane’s eyes widened. Chase was marrying a female version of Dane. “You helped raise your sisters?”

She shrugged. “We still had my father, of course. I don’t want to overstate my role. But honestly, I loved helping them. It’s been a joy. And now…” She gazed at Chase, her eyes sparkling with an affection that made Dane wince in regret. “We get to start a family of our own.”

Understanding and a bit of regret made him dip his head. Dane cleared his throat. “I’m very happy for you.” He was. He looked down the table at Juliet. Had she been right all along? Was it possible to fall in love? He gave his head a shake. Clearly, he was losing his mental faculties.