“Juliet,” Ophelia said on a sigh. “Does it all have to be your way all of the time?”

Juliet sniffed, watching the afternoon sun play off the walls. After a busy morning of greeting guests, they enjoyed an afternoon repose. Bianca and Adrianna sat together on a settee directly across from her. “Of course not.” In truth, she was rather difficult in this manner. She had a vision for how she wished events to be and she pestered her sisters until she got her way. She winced. But honestly, without their mother, she wished to help them. Nudge them in the direction that would ultimately make them happy.

It was a trait that served her well in her family most of the time. As she stepped out of her small world, however, she was beginning to wonder if it was useful, or even tolerable to everyone else. Three of her sisters had paired off with eligible, handsome men while she’d been trying to catch Dashlane’s eye all week. The only emotion he seemed to feel toward her was irritation.

Ophelia turned, her hands on her hips. “Then I’d like to keep the guest list for tonight’s dinner to under twenty.”

“Oh but Ophelia.” Juliet covered her chest. “That’s hardly room for our closest family.” She winced slightly. That request wasn’t for Juliet’s benefit but her own. She wanted a large party that might cast her in a fun light. Make Dashlane think she was interesting and vivacious.

Ophelia clucked her tongue. “Juliet, this is about Chase and myself, not you. Your plans are not needed here. In fact, they are often not needed at all.”

Adrianna rolled her eyes. “You’ve got to stop meddling. I know you mean well but honestly. It’s just irritating.”

Juliet clenched her fist and pain banded her lungs, squeezing them, making it difficult to breathe. “I’m not that bad. And you know I was just trying to make sure it felt like a party so Dashlane would actually attend.”

“You’re not bad,” Bianca raised her hands. “Just over exuberant.”

Did all her sisters feel this way? Tears stung the back of her eyes.

“Besides. He’s already accepted.” Ophelia stepped closer, taking her sister’s hand and holding it in hers. Her face was pinched as she squeezed Juliet’s fingers. “And think of it this way. Less people will mean less women to distract Lord Dashlane.”

Juliet grimaced. “That’s true. I do want him to notice me.”

“Juliet. I’ve seen you with him. You get louder every time he is near and you can’t stop looking at him. He’s noticed.”

Juliet pulled her hand from her sisters and pressed her own hands together as she stared at her lap. “I get louder?” How…unattractive.

Bianca gave a tiny shrug as she squeezed her sister’s hand. “You turn on your acting self.”

Juliet’s brows drew together. Acting self? “What does that mean?”

Ophelia nibbled at her own lip. “Well, you know how you are when you’re acting in one of Papa’s plays. Your voice carries and movements are exaggerated, and—”

Juliet pulled her hand from her sister’s, shuddering at her sister’s description. “Tell me this isn’t true. I really act like that every time I’m around Lord Dashlane?” No wonder he didn’t wish to court her. Would any man if she behaved like that?

Ophelia gave a small laugh. “Don’t worry, Juliet. We all get a little funny when we have our first crush.”

“But I’ve likely ruined any chance I have with him.” Juliet shook her head, her hands coming up to cover her face.

Ophelia let out a sigh. “I don’t know about that. But I will say that you should ask yourself if you really want another chance with him.”

“What does that mean?” Juliet dropped her hands, looking over at her sister.

“Well.” Ophelia took a step back. “To be honest, he doesn’t seem your type.”

She stared at her sister. “What is my type? How can I have a type? I’ve never been courted by anyone.”

Ophelia turned back to her sister. “Think of Bianca and Lord Craven. Bianca talks a great deal while Craven is very quiet. There is plenty of space for Bianca to chat as much as she wishes. Even Mama and Papa. Papa always acted loudly while Mama quietly crocheted, keeping to herself and was more reserved. You have Papa’s personality. You need someone like Mama, who gives you plenty of room for you to be you. If you ask me, Dashlane wants to be the center of attention. He likes to shine the brightest in most any room. But you, you are a jewel all unto yourself. You should choose a man who doesn’t compete with you but rather is the gold band that’s willing to be your setting. To hold you up to the sun and allow you to sparkle.”

Juliet blinked. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” She liked the idea but a part of her still wondered if she were just too much.

Ophelia took her hand again. “Dashlane is coming for dinner tonight. When you see him this evening, weigh my words. And really listen to your own body. How does he smell? How do your insides react when he’s around?”

She cocked her head, assessing her sister. “How does he smell?”

Ophelia nodded, giving her sister a knowing smile. Then she paused, her hand fluttering toward her cheek. “And while we’re talking about men…”

Juliet’s stomach jolted and she covered the offending organ with her hand. She knew this conversation was about Lord Hartwell and thinking of him made her insides behave in the strangest way. “What do you mean?”