Ophelia didn’t stop. “That is entirely unnecessary.”

“It isn’t,” he said, easily matching their pace despite Ophelia’s attempts to speed up.

“It is,” she answered, stopping on the trail and spinning back around to him. “When you consider that you and your friends are the most dangerous things in Seabridge Gate.”

He winced. Her point was sound. “They are not my friends.”

Her hands came to her hips. “Will you deny then that you are dangerous?”

He shifted his weight, looking to the ground. “I owe you an explanation.”

“You don’t.” She shook her head. “I’ve pieced it all together myself. But I would appreciate it if you’d return to the cottage and stay with the other men. I won’t tell my father but I’d rather you not stay in our home.”

Juliet gasped and his teeth snapped together. He drew in a long breath, choosing his next words very carefully. “Juliet. Would you be so kind as to walk far enough ahead of us that you can still see us but that we have a chance to talk?”

Juliet looked at her sister and Ophelia shifted again, her fists clenching in her skirts. “Fine,” she answered for her sister. “Go ahead, Juliet.”

He sighed a small bit of relief. At least he could plead his case. What her answer would be, he still couldn’t say.

* * *

Ophelia waited, her toe tapping as Juliet strolled ahead. Nothing but the sound of the ocean and the chirping of birds filled the silence that hung between them.

“Well,” she asked, clasping her hands together. The single word had come out harshly but her feelings of hurt and betrayal added an edge to her voice. He’d known she was smitten and he’d kissed her just for fun, not returning her romantic interest.

“I already told you that I lost my parents.”

He reached for her hand but she didn’t take it. “You did,” she said, facing the ocean to stare at the wave. She could see the cool blue off in the distance, from this spot on the hill path. “And I felt sorry for you. Thought maybe I could help—” She stopped, clamping her lips shut.

“Ophelia, you are so kind.” He stepped closer, touching her arm. “Thank you.”

“I was wrong,” She looked at him, her face taut with the tension that thrummed through her entire body. “You only wanted my kisses. Maybe you wanted more, I don’t know.”

“Why do you think that?” He lightly brushed his fingers back and forth along her sleeve.

It was a light touch meant to soothe and she tried to ignore the warmth that spread from that touch. “You left.” She took another step back. “To attend a party where you hoped to engage in—” Heat filled her cheeks as she took another step in retreat. Unfortunately her heel hit a rock and she started to fall backward.

She flailed her hands, but Chase was quick and lunged forward, catching her and dragging her against his chest.

The moment she came into contact with the hard muscles of his body her own shivered in response. She spread her hands over his chest, heat rising in her cheeks.

“I’ve been searching for what thing would fill my life,” he whispered close to her ear. “My parents died in a boat wreck and the truth was, I should have gone with them. I told them I was staying home because I needed to return to Oxford, but the truth was I wanted to tup one of the maids.” He shuddered against her, the memory clearly causing him pain. She found her arms sliding up about his neck. “I should have been with them instead of fooling around with some girl who meant nothing. That seems to be all I am good at. Meaningless dalliances.”

Her heart ached for him and she began to understand his penchant for debauchery…or she thought she might. Meeting his eyes, she pressed her lips together. “You’re wrong. I don’t blame you for being wrong; I don’t know how I might have survived a loss like yours. I had my sisters and my father when my mother passed. But you shouldn’t have been on that boat and if your parents could talk, they’d thank their lucky stars that you wished to tup a maid.”

He gave a short barking laugh as he slowly righted them, but kept her in his arms. “I’d never thought about it that way.”

“They’d want you to live, to be a duke, to…” She hesitated.

He bent his head down, touching his forehead to hers. “To marry a nice girl who would keep me from debauchery and have my babies and help carry on the family name.”

She couldn’t help it. That part of her that had been wishing to hear those words jolted inside her, sending a shower of excitement all through her body. “I suppose they would.”

His fingers spread on her back. “I want you to be that woman, Ophelia.”

Clutching about his neck, she hung on as she fought the wave of longing that rose inside her. It was a nice proposal as far as those sorts of things went. He’d bared his hurt, he’d asked for her help. Two things that made her most happy. But it lacked one crucial ingredient. This was her one opportunity to have a grand adventure…falling in love. He’d talked of her suitability, what a nice girl she was. But there had not been a hint of affection that

had tinted his words. “It’s a lovely offer,” she whispered as she tried to loosen her grip and back out of his arms, but he held firm.