Rex ran his hand through his hair. “That certainly does up the ante now, doesn’t it?”

Key leaned forward. “Which ladies?”

“Excellent question.” Chase placed his hand over his heart. “I have a second cousin, Lady Ethel Standish that might—”

“No family,” Rex shook his head. “Too complicated.”

Bloody hell, it sounded as though they were actually considering this farce.

“The ladies can’t be related to us?” Si asked. “But can they be related to one another?”

Key chuckled. “This is getting interesting. What did you have in mind, Sirius?”

Sirius ran his hand through his hair, his eyebrows wagging. Then he grabbed the whiskey from Key and taking a swig, held out his arms. “The Ducat sisters.”

The room went silent.

Even Max paused. Last spring he had met two of the Ducat sisters at a pastry shop on Pleasant Street. Lady Lily Ducat had hardly said a word as introductions had been made and yet she had completely captivated his attention.

He’d thanked the saints her three older sisters had yet to marry. If she were an official debutante, he was sure her mama would be chasing him. He’d been that obvious.

He’d stared at her, for starters, unable to look away. But there was something about her, she was beautiful to be sure but it was more than that. She’d had this warmth and an innocence. He’d dreamed about her for days afterward when he was awake and asleep.

He’d managed to trip over his words too. Him. He hadn’t done that since the age of twelve. Now at twenty and nine years of age, he was a man who commanded respect. Well, except from Chase of course. But Chase didn’t respect anyone or anything.

How long ago had that been exactly? He ticked back in his mind and realized that he’d met her in early May and it was now December. How long had it been since he’d been with a woman? At least that long.

Shaking his head, he dismissed these thoughts and returned to the conversation.

“Isn’t one of the sisters ruined?” Key asked.

“Aye.” Chase scrubbed his chin. “She was engaged and called the arrangement off.”

Key shrugged. “In many ways the Ducats are perfect for this arrangement. Five of them, five of us. And with the exception of the one sister, they have flawless reputations. But the man who chooses her has an unfair advantage in gaining a kiss.”

Chase looked up to the ceiling than back down at them with a grin. “We shall have to draw names from a hat then.”

“No,” Max growled out even louder. The thought of one of these louts attempting to put his lips on the lovely Lily Ducat made his blood boil. He’d run the man through first. “Enough of this.”

“I think I can help,” Vadoma called from the table. She wore the type of grin that set Max’s stomach roiling. “Do you know the names of these girls?”

Rex rubbed his hands together. “There is Lady Adelaide, the youngest, at just eighteen.”

“And the twins, I believe their Christian names are Victoria and Christina.” Key rubbed his hand along the stubble of his jaw as if thinking deeply on the matter. It made Max’s teeth ache as he clenched them.

“Of course, the oldest is Camille,” Chase rumbled the name, a sound that came from deep in his chest. The lout.

“Who is the fifth?” Si asked, his brows drawing together.

“Lily,” Max let the single word fall from his lips.

All the men turned to him, mild shock and curiosity raising their brows. Chase gave him a wink. “Even the mighty duke, who shuns all respectable women, knows a Ducat. This is perfect.”

“It isn’t happening. If you do this, I will never speak to any of you again.” He stood then, raising to his full height which was well over six feet. “I’ll not allow you to ruin young ladies of worth.”

“If we’re caught, we’ll marry them.” Chase waved his hand. “It will have to happen to all of us eventually.”

Max was across the circle in an instant, his face an inch from Chase’s, his hand fisting up the other man’s shirt as he let out a low growl. “That is supposed to pacify me? Married to you?” He thought of Lily sitting at home while Chase was off hunting light skirts. “What kind of life would that be for her?”