She went from feeling sick from fear to be being dizzy with happiness. She reached for his hand and slipped her fingers against his large warm palm.

“Then why the license?” Theo glanced back and forth between the two of them.

“That’s my fault.” Petal said quietly as she stared down at her lap.

Rex gave his friend the very short version of what had unfolded. Theo’s grimace grew tighter with each word. “I begin to understand. But if all you have said is true, shouldn’t Rathemore be the one to marry her, not you?”

Rex let go of her hand, and stood so suddenly, she nearly fell back. “Over my dead body,” he hurled the words like weapons.

Theo shook his head. “I appreciate your position. You’re in love. But how can I bring Lady Daffodil back to her mother married to the man I sent to fetch her? I simply cannot explain it.”

“You will.” It was Petal’s turn to stand. “Forgive me, Theo, but you will find a way.”

Theo stood too. “I won’t do it. You’ll have to—”

“Tell my mother that you took my sister’s virtue and then married her in a private ceremony weeks before the sham wedding?” Petal took a deep breath.

Theo and Rex stared at her. No one spoke as the silence grew deafening.

“I’m sorry, Theo, to be like this.” She moved around the table to stand in front of her sister’s new husband. “But I have had to learn to cook, clean, nurse, and chambermaid in the last several months. I’m no longer a demure lady who sits in the sitting room waiting for her life to happen. I’m not capable of it nor do I want it.”


“Your sister blackmailed me into marriage too. Chase women,” he mumbled running a hand through his hair. “Fine, but you’ll marry when we’re safely returned to my estate—”

Daffodil held up her hand. “Tomorrow. We’ll marry tomorrow.”

Chapter Fifteen

Rex looked at Daffodil as she stood toe to toe with Theo. That woman was glorious. He’d never find one finer. He’d thought about stepping in but this was her moment. Her chance to be the confident, self-assured lady she was always meant to be.

He couldn’t be prouder.

Theo glanced at him and he winked back. He didn’t need to be angry with Theo any longer. Daffodil had the situation in hand. “I think, love, we’ll have to change your name to Dandelion. You’re ferocious when you’re angry.”

She turned to him, her eyes wide as a little giggle slipped past her lips.

Theo grinned too. “I’ll say.” Then he looked over at Rex. “Dear lord in heaven, you’re going to be related to me.”

Rex let out a bark of laughter. It was good to have his friend back. He’d have hated to lose the best one he had over the woman he loved. “Unlucky for you.”

Theo gave his head a shake. “Lucky for me, I think, and for you. I was worried you had completely run roughshod over a lady but I failed to consider she might be as tenacious as her sister. Fair warning, their mother is equally strong of mind and will.”

“Should I object to this conversation?” Petal’s hands had rested on her hips as she looked between the two of them.

Rex came to her side and placed his hand about her waist. “I’ve been thinking. I like Jacob immensely. Petal and I will stay here and help the boy along.”

Theo’s gaze narrowed. “Are you suggesting that Lady Westcliff stay with me?”

“Build her a dowager estate.” Rex waved his hand. “She can go next to your mother.”

“Stop this.” Daffodil swatted his hip. “Our mothers are not cattle.”

Rex grinned. He’d better tread carefully. “How is the dinner prep going?”

“Quite good, I think, but you’d better come have a look. Theo, the staff Rex hired begins tomorrow so, for tonight, you’ll have to put away your pretense and eat in the kitchen with us.”

Theo’s face tightened. “If I’d had any idea that your circumstances were so dire, I—”