Chapter Thirteen

A man could only be pushed so far. If she thought, after sharing those kisses, she was getting away from him, Petal had another thing coming. He’d go to her family, to Theo, and demand to make an honest woman of her.

“I already said I would.” She gave him a sassy look. “I decline your offer of being a gentleman. I am a tarnished woman. I’ve known for some time my morals were rather…loose or I would not have allowed Rathemore to—”

“Stop.” He rumbled, pulling her tight against him. “I won’t hear it. Your morals are perfectly fine. Do you know how many debutantes kiss a man before they marry? The very fact you’re so concerned only proves that you’re far more moral than any of them.”

She sucked in her breath. “I’d never thought of it that way before. Even still, I am the bad Chase sister. Violette would never—”

He cocked one brow. Of course. This was the perfect argument. He’d hear no more from her about how inferior she was. To him, she was the most perfect woman ever created. “Exactly.”

“What?” she asked her mouth agape. “Have I convinced you that I am completely lacking in moral fiber?”

“Your sister had relations with Theo before they were married.” He watched as his words sunk in. Her brow, which had begun all furrowed, spread apart as her eyes widened.

“I’m sorry?” Her voice cracked on the last word. “I thought you said married. But aren’t we travelling to their wedding? How could they already be married?”

“They had a secret wedding after they were…” He looked up to the ceiling, trying to find an appropriate word. “They are having a second, public ceremony for the benefit of your mother.”

He didn’t know if it was his place to tell her all of this. He hadn’t intended to. It was Violette and Theo’s secret but then again, he wouldn’t allow her to continue to abuse herself over a small transgression.

She held his biceps in an increasingly tight grip. “You mean to say that my sister is already married? That this whole time, I’ve been worried and near starving and she is a duchess?” She stomped her foot, catching his toes as she did so. He let out a grunt but otherwise made no response. He had a feeling this might go on for a bit. “I can’t believe it. The way she judged me after Rathemore. Like I was a sinner among sinners and then she had premarital relations?” The last word had risen so high that it had squeaked out of her mouth.

He cupped her cheek with his palm. “Fear not. It will make it that much easier to explain why we are already married and why they will need to share their public wedding with us so that we might also have a public ceremony.”

“Oh, that is a good point.” She nibbled at her lip even as one corner of her mouth quirked up. “And I suppose one of the advantages of marrying a former rake. You’ve thought of a way around everything.”

He chuckled. “I suppose I have. Now, in bed with you.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “We’ve a busy day tomorrow and some measure of sleep is in order.”

She slipped her arms under his, wrapping him in a hug. “Thank you, Rex, for everything.”

He slid his arms under her behind and lifter her off the floor. It was a sweet torture to hold her like that. Much as he wanted to strip off each and every piece of her clothing, he meant what he’d said. They start their marriage the right way.

With that in mind, he lay her down on the bed and then snuggled against her, pulling a blanket over their clothed bodies. He didn’t know if he’d sleep but he didn’t care. He had her by his side and that was what really mattered.

Tomorrow was going to be a great day. After all, what else could go wrong?

* * *

Petal woke having no idea what time it was, where she was, or what caused the infernal racket that had woken her. But she hadn’t a moment to figure it out when her hand came in contact with a warm, solid body at her side.

“Whatissssit?” the body next to her slurred. Rex. She was in Rex’s bed.

A grin touched her lips just as the door banged open. “Rex!” Jacob hollered at full volume, his voice echoing off the walls. “She’s gone. Run away, I found a—” Jacob stopped in the center of the room, his eyes going wide. In his hand a crumpled-up sheet of paper. Her note. Oh no…she’d forgotten about the note.

“Jacob,” she started, but before she could get another word out, he dashed from the room again.

In a blink he was back and carrying a shotgun with him. Jacob held the barrel up pointing it at Rex’s chest. “Explain yourself.”

Daffodil’s breath caught in her throat. “Jacob.” She bit out. “Put that down at once.”

Her brother’s eyes remained fixed on Rex. “Stay out of it, Petal. I’ll not allow you to be compromised again. It’s my duty as man of this house to defend your honor.”

“Quite right,” Rex answered. “Well done, Jacob. You’re a strong man for your sister and I’m proud of you. Not that I have a right to be.” He put both his hands up in the air.

“Well I’m not proud of you. I thought you had our best interests at heart.” Jacob lowered the gun a bit as he spoke.

“I’ll get a license today, we’ll be married first thing.” Rex said in a quiet, soothing baritone.