She was powerless to do anything other than melt. “I…”

“Did you like the kiss?”

“No,” she answered, feeling as though her entire soul was bared to him.

The other hand, the one resting on her shoulder, slid down her back and stopped in the hollow. Their bodies pressed together. “Petal, when I kiss you, it will be the beginning not the end.”

His breath skimmed up past her nose, over her eyes, where he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. Then he slowly backed away moving silently out the door until it clicked behind him.

She hadn’t moved a muscle until the door clicked and then she looked at its massive wooden panels. When? He’d said when I kiss you not if I kiss you. Did he have plans?

Chapter Nine

Rex crossed the hall and closed himself in his room. His blood roared in his veins. Bloody hell that had been close. That woman was full of surprises. He saw a different version of her each and every time they met. He loved it.

He tossed himself into the chair next to the fireplace. Scrubbing his face, Rex knew he wasn’t supposed to love anything about her. He was just transportation. Nothing more.

How could she not understand how sweet and innocent she actually was? Everyone made mistakes. The important part was that a person learned from them, grew better for having made them.

His breath stopped. Could the same be said for him and his past?

Standing, he threw another log on the fire and then untied his cravat. It was a question too weighty for tonight.

After readying himself for bed, he slipped under the covers, preparing to sleep. The moment, however, the blankets weighed down on his chest, his mind replayed every soft touch Petal had just given him. Her aroma, like spring flowers, still filled his nostrils and the sounds she’d made replayed over and over in his mind. Her little gasps, the squeak she made when she didn’t want to share information.

Flipping over onto his stomach, he buried his face into his pillow. He’d never sleep at this rate.

Which was why the crowing of the cock took him by surprise a few hours later. He must have drifted off and he dragged himself out of bed. Being an early riser, normally he’d made an early appointment. There was nothing to do but get out of bed.

Besides, he didn’t trust Petal to make breakfast.

He dressed then made his way down to the kitchen to light the stove.

He was nearly done with breakfast by the time Petal arrived. She was back in her work clothing today and she carried a bundle in her arms.

“My apologies for leaving you to prepare breakfast,” she said. “I was attending Mrs. Fields.”

Her eyes were puffy as though she hadn’t slept either. “Good morning, and no worries. I enjoy the mornings and the cooking.”

She set down the bundle she carried into a chair and then glanced at the doorway, craning her neck. Stepping closer, she whispered, “About what I said last night…” She clasped her hands, twisting them over and over. “I shouldn’t have told you about Rathemore or any of it.”

“Yes you should.” He moved closer too. “Have you ever considered that you did your sister a favor? Rathemore is known for promising to marry eligible ladies and then ruining them. Your sister might have felt more compelled to submit to his advances because of the promise of marriage and then have been ruined. Now, she is marrying a duke.”

She started, her head snapping back as she met his gaze. “I hadn’t thought of that.” Then she gave him a wide smile. It lit her whole face as she threw her arms about his neck and pressed close.

He didn’t hesitate, pulling her against him so they pressed together.

Her breath stuttered and, just as suddenly as she hugged him, she pulled away, her palms rubbing up and down her skirt. “But I also should apologize for what I suggested…” She swallowed. “Though you claimed to be a rake, it is I who acted inappropriately.”

He chuckled. “This is new for me and I rather like it.” He reached for one of her hands. “Your hear

t was in the right place, unlike mine on many, many occasions.” He’d not share the number of women who decorated his past. “But I would appreciate that you not ask me to kiss you again. Next time, I don’t know I’ll be able to say no.”

Her cheeks turned the loveliest shade of pink as she gave a stiff nod. “Of course.”

“Breakfast is nearly ready. Can you wake Jacob and bring a tray to Mrs. Fields?” He turned back to the stove as he heard her leave the kitchen. She might have been right when she said travelling together was a bad idea. How would he spend two days trapped in a carriage with her and not kiss her senseless?

They ate their breakfast in a companionable silence and then he and Jacob left. It was a short carriage ride to his solicitor’s office and the streets were quiet as they made their way.