Daffodil lay in bed listening to the silence. Well, truthfully she was listening for the sound that would break the quiet but she only heard the distant chimes of the grandfather clock in the hall.

Rex had said they would talk privately this evening. She wouldn’t seek him out, but she couldn’t fall asleep either. Would he come? A thrill raced down her spine. She clucked her tongue. This was the sort of thing she had to stop hoping for.

A light knock sounded on her door and she bolted out of the bed, flying across the room. “Petal?” Rex whispered, lightly tapping again.

She carefully turned the knob so that the door cracked open without a sound. Tamping down her excitement, she gave herself a tiny lecture. Return to being cold toward him. Do not do anything else to encourage him.

Then she rolled her eyes. Opening the door was likely encouragement enough. ”What is it?” she whispered through the crack.

“I wish to speak with you,” he replied.

“Rex.” She dared not open the door any wider. “It wouldn’t be wise to let you in.”

“I suppose it wouldn’t,” he said. Despite speaking in hushed tones, she could clearly hear him

. He must also be pressed against the door. That thought made her shiver. “But how am I to hear about what happened with Rathemore?”

She was silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “It isn’t a story I should share with anyone ever.”

“Tell me one thing tonight and then I will learn the rest another time. Did he do anymore than kiss you?”

He was so close, his breath blew across her cheeks. She could smell his cigars, the whisky he’d consumed, and his deeper male musk. “No. Just the kiss.”

“You’re sure?” His voice dropped low.

“I’m sure.” She paused, wincing, though he couldn’t see it. “I came to my senses in that moment.” Truth be told, the kiss hadn’t been very enjoyable. It was rather…wet and…slimy. She’d nearly thrown her reputation away or, worse, been saddled to a man who kisses were…repulsive. “Despite my momentary lapse in judgment in the kitchen today, I have behaved with the utmost decorum ever since.”

The issue was that she was drawn to rakes. She’d known Rathemore had a reputation, but she’d believed he’d changed. He’d told her about his great affection and immense respect. That was until his hands and mouth had been all over her. When she’d pulled away, he’d sneered and declared that he’d always known she wasn’t that exciting She should have been hurt but, honestly, she’d been relieved.

“How did you meet him to begin with? You’re not even out in society yet are you?”

The heat in her cheeks blazed to an inferno. She couldn’t tell him. “No, I’m not.”

“Then how?” The knob of the door pushed into her belly.

She allowed it to push her back, her thoughts on the past. “I don’t want to say,” Daffodil said, pressing her hand on her cheek to cool her skin.

“I told you that I left my wife and allowed her to die. Whatever you say can’t be worse than that.”

Her voice stuck in her throat. Clearing it, she finally answered. “He was my sister’s suitor.”

“That complete horse’s arse,” Rex growled out gently, pushing the door open wider and stepping into the room.

Daffodil shook her head. “I knew it was wrong. I’m a terrible person. But he said he loved me, and I thought he meant it.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “It’s why I cannot be around you, Rex. I don’t think I can make the journey with you. I can’t be trusted to make the right decisions.”

“Petal,” his voice was soft. “You were a young lady with no experience. He, however, knew exactly what he was doing. Everyone in London and probably all of England knows his reputation.” He placed his large hands on her shoulders. “You’re being far too hard on yourself.”

More tears flowed from her eyes. She wiped at them, trying to gain control. “Violette saw the whole thing. She was livid. It’s how my family found out, and I still don’t think she’s forgiven me.” Then something occurred to her. It was a terribly wonderful plan. “Maybe you can escort me after all.”

“Of course I can. You’ll not miss your sister’s wedding. Especially if she’s angry with you. That would not help.”

“You’re right. I can’t explain that I missed her wedding because I’d fallen prey to another rake.” He was holding her at arm’s length but she reached out and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer.

He moved toward her. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just insult me so I can hear what you’ve got planned.”

“I only came to my senses after the kiss. So if I kiss you, maybe…” The rest of the words died on her lips. His chest brushed hers in her night rail. It allowed so much more sensation than her normal layers of clothing and her breath sucked in at the light touch. It was already wrong. Rathemore’s touch had made her shiver in revulsion when he’d gotten this close. But with Rex, the feeling running down her spine was pure excitement.

She’d already tilted her face up toward his and one of his large hands came up to cradle her cheek. He dropped his mouth to within a breath of hers. “Maybe what?”